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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyMer 25 Oct - 13:56

Question: The preview for tonight's Lost was intense. Please tell me Sawyer is going to be OK!— Shannon

Ausiello: Sawyer's not the one you should be worrying about. Next week, a major character (as in a series regular) whose name is not Sawyer will join Boone, Shannon, Ana Lucia and Libby in the big island in the sky. And you're not going to believe who it is. I won't believe it until I see it with my own eyes.

pas eko please Sad
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyMer 25 Oct - 21:26

ça vient de korby l'assistant de kristin

Lost: The long-awaited Sawyer flashbacks are upon us, which means increased hope that you Skater-lovers could be getting more special treats. Wed. at 9, ABC

spoiler de kristin
I just heard that there's going to be a major character's death on Lost next week. WHAT?! Did you tell us that and I missed it? Usually I have a much better attention span!
I can tell you that there will most definitely be a Lost death tonight. However, it is not of the major variety. As for next week, my lips are in a vice grip. (So psst...You know something huge is gonna happen.) Also coming up tonight: Desmond mounts Claire('s roof), Sawyer hits the slammer, and Jack finds he has much more in common with Juliet than he thought. (What's up, doc?)

en gros oui une mort ce soir on sait colleen
mais la mort c'est la sem proch c'est quelque chose de grand et ses lèvres sont scéllés pour ce soir
desmond va monter la tente de claire (nouveau membre du triangle pb&j ? pk pas ^^)
sawyer va alors soit c'est se prend un coup violent soit c'est lié à la prison
jack va voir qu'il a quelque chose en commun avec juju plus qu'il le pensait
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptySam 28 Oct - 0:42

The wedding scene during the episode I DO ....has posted this on the ABC Boards

I don't watch the show -- so I don't know who The Marshal is. I think that it is that guy who did a few BUffy episodes... hard to tell though. He was cute.

The wedding was supposed to be set in Miami. The scene we were in is just the kiss scene. My big scoop is the officiant says something like "I have known Kevin since he was about yeah high. I haven't known Monica for as long - but when I asked Kevin to describe her tears welled up in his eyes and he said ' with Monica, what you see is what you get.'"

Yes - Monica.

There was also something with cops -- but we weren't in that scene so I don't know.

So Kate is using the name Monica..guess even though she gets 'married' it's not exactly legal.

oh ! alors kate se fait appeler monica elle ment encore...un mariage pas légal eh ben...

et concernant les epis de fev

sinon j'ai entendu parler d'un spoiler dans un mag EW qui parle du tournage en ce moment soit le 307 où kate, sawyer, juliet et quelques others et dans cette scène juliet tire sur quelqu'un pour le moment j'ai pas encore le scan je vous tiendrais au courant
edit : j'ai trouvé
Spoilers - Page 4 Nov32006_905.0

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elle dit qu'elle sait qu'elle est pas populaire comme evie ou josh mais que ça lui convient. elle dit aussi que juliet tombe vite pour jack mais elle est en conflit avec elle même.
et vous pouvez lire sur la première page qu'elle a tournée une scène pour fev avec kate, sawyer et des others et elle tire sur quelqu'un et c'est choquant sur qui elle tire
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyDim 29 Oct - 13:41

The article is somewhere on - here is the actual text:

Lost producers hope a re-run free split season will help redeem the series and bring viewers back. Lost will run for six episodes then break for 13 weeks, returning with 17 more episodes to be broadcast without reruns. The network will compensate the advertisers by running extended versions of the episodes in a straight run following the completion of the third season. The extended versions will add additional footage into the season three episodes in an attempt to lure die-hard viewers back for another look.
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyMar 31 Oct - 14:49

Citation : My last question is regarding Lost. Do you think that this season's slight ratings dip is reflecting viewer frustration?

Abrams: My guess is it's probably unfair to look at four or five episodes in the season and start concluding anything. I would just say, in terms of the ratings of this show, or the audience, the fact that the show is doing the numbers that it's doing is something that’s amazed us, because the show is a very unique and sort of bizarre thing. I feel like you can't analyze everything, every week, every moment, and sort of decide "This is where the show is," because as you saw this past week, we had almost a million viewers we didn’t have the week before. The air goes out of the balloon if you start to answer and understand too many things too quickly. If the story is laid out too easily, you lose the fun of the ongoing layers being peeled back and answers being presented when they're earned, not just because people want to know the answers

JJ qui parle sur le site de tv guide pas le tps de trad pour le moment sorry j'ai du taff à faire


compte rendu podcast
There was a reference about Stephen King in EMFH.
- Jae Lee killed himself in TGB
- Pickett is going to be looking for revenge after the death of Colleen
- Spoiler: Someone is going to die. They were not answering if it was going to be a main character. Carlton said that he thought people would be satisfied that they would be killing a significant character.
- Damon wants Carlton to give him a back massage
- Episodes will never run consistently. They are going to see how it goes this time, and it will be either six weeks and then a break, or a 6 month break after the finale, and then start the new season in Jan/Feb.
- The polar bears escaped during the collapse of Dharma.
- The polar bears have eaten 19/20 people, including children. I'm not sure if that was a joke or not. Very disturbing anyway.
- The hatch explosion caused some kind of vaccum, and imploded then exploded, so that's how the hatchies survived.
- There will be a gay character on the show.
- Episode 10 will be Hurley

Lindelof: Yes or no, does Kate loves Sawyer
Carlton : YES!!
Lindelof: there Ya go!
Clarton: i don't even have to hear the whole question, I KNEW IT WAS YES.
Lindelof:All right, those are my two quick questions
Carlton: Awsome!
Lindelof: She said she did .


The turbine man was Gary Troup. Damon said that now that he has read Bad Twin, he thinks he got what he deserved.
Spoiler: - Nikki and Paulo - we'll see more of them in episode 5, and they are there to represent the other characters. He said we will be curious to find out what everyone else does when the main characters are out on their adventures, and arguing about the button or Danielle.


pour le 306

Spoilers - Page 4 Hotlist-1

Lost (ABC, 9/8 c) Who knows if ABC's strategy to put Lost on hiatus until February to avoid repeats will pay off, but we do know this final fall (Kate-centric) episode is loaded. Jack makes a decision about Ben's offer; Locke discovers another clue to the secret of the island; and Kate finally chooses which man to stand beside. So let's hope Pickett doesn't make good on his threat to off Sawyer!

From Scott: I cannot wait to see that episode of Lost with Kate’s wedding! How gorgeous was Evie in that dress?! Any scoop?

Kristin: I’m told the wedding takes place in “Miami” (per usual, actually Honolulu). That Kate’s name is not Kate. (I’ll pause while you digest that.) And that someone from Lost island may make an appearance there. Any guesses? Comment below.

From Shannon: Lost me, baby!

Kristin: In case you missed it, I have to point out that Damon and Carlton (the big Lost cheeses) just did about the scoopiest official podcast ever! They revealed/confirmed that: (a) Jae Lee (Sun’s lover) killed himself and was not murdered by Sun or anyone else; (b) baby Clementine is quite possibly real and really Sawyer's daughter—and they further implied that the little cutie might reappear in a future flashback; (c) Kate loves Sawyer (I tried to slip that one in here real fast so you Jaters won’t have a heart attack); (d) there's a pretty good chance that one of the characters is gay (my money's on Tom); (e) Scott's dead, but the Scott-Steve actors argued over which one plays Scott; and (f) Turbine Man from the pilot episode was, in fact, Bad Twin author Gary Troup. Whew!

From tvqueen222: Okay. Lost death. Spill it! I saw that Jorge Garcia would be doing the Top 10 on David Letterman next Tuesday, and that makes me wonder if he’s dust! Please, say it ain’t so!

Kristin: Gladly. I have been able to dig up a few facts regarding this so-called death. And they are:
It’s not Hurley. I’m told by my Letterman mole that he’s actually promoting his mole and by ABC sources that episode 10 will be a Hurley flashback, courtesy of a very much alive Hurley.
If you’ve seen the new Entertainment Weekly, you also know that Juliet apparently shoots someone in a group on the beach that includes Sawyer, Kate and The Others. She does it with two bullets from a Sig Sauer (the same model of gun that the Marshall carried).
According to sources, it’s not Jack, Sawyer, Sun, Kate or Locke.
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyMar 31 Oct - 19:46

spoilers on "The Cost Of Living":

Spoiler: - Locke and Desmond are on the beach and are talking to Sayid who has just returned with Jin and Sun. Locke tells Desmond to tell Sayid what he knows.
- Desmond tells Sayid that the computer did more that just reset the button/counter.
- Sayid asks if the plan is to try and communicate with the Others.
- Jack tells Ben that he has a tumor that will kill him.
- Sayid, Charlie and Hurley try to put out a burning hut which Eko is in.
- There is another priest in the hut which is Eko's brother Yemi.
- Locke repeats the famous line "Don't mistake coincidence for fate"
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyMer 1 Nov - 12:45

itv de liz sur son rôle dans lost Smile

edit : spoiler d'ausiello

Question: Consider me an Aushole. Now please give me a hint as to who bites the dust on Lost tonight. Not an asterisk hint either; they drive me crazy.— Eva
Ausiello: This person is not an Other. Or female.

Question: Thanks to Ask Ausiello, I have developed a major crush on my married boss. All we do is sit around and talk about the spoilers in your column. Can you possibly dispense some Lost spoilers to give us more to talk about?— Pam
Ausiello: Lucky for you, I have a soft spot for home-wrecking tramps like yourself. You won't have to wait long to find out who the proud owner of that spinal tumor is. It'll be revealed in the teaser of tonight's episode.

Question: Why is everyone on Lost so worried about polar bears and Henry Gale? What about the kids who were taken, um, last year.— Baude
Ausiello: Don't worry, they haven't been forgotten. Speaking of those children, what kind of doctor did Juliet say she was last week? Oh, that's right — a fertility doctor.

Question: Any idea what the significance of the title "Not in Portland" is for Lost's first episode after the break?— Jason M. Wolf
Ausiello: Considering it's a Juliet flashback episode, I'm guessing Portland holds some significance for her.

Question: It is my birthday, I'm your No. 1 Aushole, and all I want is Lost scoop.— Kelly
Ausiello: Nikki and Paolo will get some serious airtime tonight when they go on a trek into the question mark with Locke and Desmond. And since you’re my No. 1 Aushole, here's an extra little goody: ABC released photos of Charlie and Claire smooching that were allegedly from a scene that was cut out of the Oct. 18 episode. Or are they from a future episode and just released prematurely? Hmmm….

Question: Can you give me a hint as to who dies tonight on Lost?— Dave
Ausiello: Yeah, here's a hint: As soon as tonight's Lost ends on the East Coast, check out my Ausiello Report blog. I may be posting something of interest to you. (Think back to last season and my very special posts immediately following the deaths of Ana Lucia and Libby. See where I'm going with this?)

Question: Did Sun kill Jae on Lost?— Troy
Ausiello: No. In their latest Lost podcast, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse confirmed that Sun's boy-on-the-side did in fact commit suicide. (Pay up, Dan Manu.) Damon and Carlton also teased that widower Pickett "might" seek some vengeance on Sun for killing Trixie, er, Colleen, and that Episode 10 is a Hurley flashback.
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyMer 1 Nov - 20:41
liz parle de juliet en itv vidéo

edit : VRAIE SPOILERS EPI 306 taupe TWOP

I only read a few pages because I didn't want to be *that* spoiled.

Sayid and Locke are walking through the forest, talking about why Eko dies and Locke is saying something about it being his destiny or some such crazy Locke thing (can't totally remember) and they find what Locke is looking for: his Jesus stick.

Sawyer tells Kate that there are two islands, there's no point trying to escape, then they bicker about it and then, well, I stopped reading (see above) but you probably imagine what happens next. Think dirty thoughts

Kate kisses first; then I decided I'd seen too much and stopped reading. But since there's been so much build up about Kate "choosing", I'd pretty much assumed this was the big "choosing" moment.
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyVen 3 Nov - 23:34

la prod parle du 306 et comme j'ai le temps j'ai traduit Smile

In the final episode of 2006 (the compelling drama will resume in February for 16 straight weeks), Kate (Evangeline Lilly) at last chooses between her rival loves. Will it be heroic but haunted Jack (Matthew Fox) or snarly underdog Sawyer (Josh Holloway)? Sure, Kate said (under duress) that she loved Sawyer, but expect “a much more definitive and emotional and physical choice” tonight, exec producer Carlton Cuse tells . Physical? Adds exec producer Damon Lindelof: “She’s going to consummate her relationship with one of these guys.” Plus, Locke (Terry O’Quinn) finds a message that may foretell everyone’s fate. (ABC, 9 p.m.)

dans le dernier episode de 2006 (la série repartira en février pour 16 semaines d'affilée), kate choisit enfin entre ses deux rivaux amoureux. l'élu sera-t-il le héros mais égaré Jack, ou le grincheux opprimé Sawyer ?
bien entendu, kate a dit (sous le stress/forcée en quelque sorte) qu'elle aimait sawyer, mais attendez vous à un choix bcp plus définitif, émotionnel et physique ce soir, déclare le prod executif cuse. physique lindelof ajoute
elle va consommer sa relation avec l'un des deux, locke trouve un message qui pourrait changer la destinée de tous.

voilà ce que la prod dit Smile
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptySam 4 Nov - 21:52

itv du cast
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyLun 6 Nov - 3:54

epi 311 ou 312 centric pikki

Info coming in from 'Super Sock' reveals a little about an upcoming flashback.

Yes, folks, it's true. Nikki and Paulo do get a flashback episode. The interesting thing is the flashback portion takes place ON THE ISLAND. We will see what Nikki and Paulo were up to while the gang was off on an adventure. I'm interested in seeing this from the other point of view; particularly since we assume nothing interesting was happen.
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyLun 6 Nov - 17:38

new podcast

alors ils disent que cindy et les enfants n'ont pas été oubliés qu'on les reverra dans le 308 et on saura pourquoi ils ont été enlevés
que lors de la première rencontre avec le monstre elle a téléchargé la mémoire de eko d'où les flashs qu'on voyait et donc yemi c'est une création de smokey island (je l'appelle comme ça)
il parle pas vraiment du 306 sauf qu'ils disent que la fin de l'epi marque la fin de la vie à otherville enfin que le cliff mais que le cliff n'est pas sur ça (je parie locke)
ils plaisantent sur le monstre qui se déplace sur l'île, ils ont parlés de la tortue
ils disent aussi que ça les fait rire comme les fans ne veulent pas qu'ils fassent certaines choses et qu'ils s'attendaient à cela et ça les fait rire qu'ils veulent abandonner la série pour des broutilles pareilles
il parle aussi que l'empire contre attaque se finit mais le retour du jedi se fera en février Laughing ah on sent bien les fans de sw ^^ Very Happy espérons que je verrais ma scène de sw que je veux dans le 306^^ bon je m'égare
carlton a dit qu'il voudrait être sawyer car il le trouve cool et parce qu'il est populaire Laughing
damon veut être claire car elle est jolie douce et à des beaux cheveux les cons Razz
voilà ^^ c'est rare que j'ai le temps de les écouter Smile mais pour une fois pas d'anglais ^^ j'espère que j'ai rien oublié j'ai du écouter deux fois moi ^^"
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyMar 7 Nov - 11:37

kristin spoilers

From Kirk: On Lost, are Sawyer and Kate really having sex right there, out in the open?
And how. And you'll never guess who'll spy their postcoital bliss! I'll give you a hint: He's in a box.

From Tawnygirl: Tell me something good about Lost's fall finale this Wednesday. Please, anything! Do it!
Heh-heh. You said do it. And speaking of…Kate does it with Sawyer. And Jack does it with (meaning, operates on) Ben. And only one of those doers is sincere in his or her intentions. The other does it for personal gain, which will be revealed with a bloody-good cliffhanger twist.

From Alyssa: Will Ben survive?
We don't yet know when tonight's episode ends. So, you will have to wait until February to find out. Who wants to help me infiltrate the Lost production offices? I've got night-vision goggles. You bring the Mint Milano cookies. (I just like those.)

alors pour la première question on demande si kate et sawyer vont vraiment coucher ensemble et elle dit que oui et qu'on devenira jamais qui verra leur bonheur aprés le sex un indice il est dans une boite

ensuite on demande un indice sur le finale elle dit kate couche avec sawyer et jack opére ben mais seulement un des deux fait cette chose sincèrement. l'autre le fait pour un gain personnel qui sera révélé lors du cliff.

on demande si ben va mourir, elle dit qu'ils savent pas quand l"episode 306 prend fin. elle dit qu'elle pourrait infiltrer les bureaux de lost mais lui faudrait de l'aide Laughing
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyMar 7 Nov - 21:22

Lost Drops Two "Bombs" -
Is it too early to be talking about Lost's return in three months? Heck, no! According to series cocreator Damon Lindelof, "two bombs" will be dropped shortly after the island thriller resurfaces on February 7. "One is a character bomb, and that will happen within the first three episodes after the break," Lindelof reveals. "And the other is a more significant story bomb - a game-changer that will happen shortly after." Don't tell me: The island's really a peninsula?!

spoiler pour fév
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyMer 8 Nov - 14:00

ausiello spoiler

Question: Please tell me Kate doesn't have sex in a cage with Sawyer on tonight's Lost!— Tara
Ausiello: That should be the least of your worries where Sawyer is concerned, Tara.

elle demande si kate va coucher avec sawyer dans la cage et il dit qu'elle devrait s'inquiéter plus de ce qui va arriver à sawyer que de cela Smile (à mon avis il parle de sa mise à mort par notre cher ami picket)

dslée c t le seul spoiler mais sinon y a une itv de damon et carlton je vais vous raconter en gros

Citation :
Question: Can you give me a little tidbit on the super-secret twist that is supposedly going to blow us away on tonight's Lost finale?— Ben
Ausiello: I'll do you one better: I'll let Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse give it to you instead! In recognition of AA's 100th, the Lost EPs agreed to sit down and answer all of your burning questions, as well as offer a preview of tonight's fall finale and the remaining 16 episodes, kicking off Feb. 7. It's the best anniversary gift ever!

Damon Lindelof: Congratulations on your 100th column.
Carlton Cuse: Yes, congratulations.

Thank you! We have limited time, so I'm going to cut right to the chase. More than anything, AA readers wanna know if Michael and/or Walt will appear this season.
Carlton: We have a very clear plan for this season, and I don't think we'll get back to Michael and Walt's story this season.

With Eko gone, you no longer have any African-American men in the cast.
Carlton: Harold Perrineau's story is not finished. He is not on the show currently, but I think everybody is very curious to know what happened to Michael and Walt, and we hope to get back to that story. That character is still out there in the Lost universe.

One frustration I'm hearing is that viewers don't understand why you would bring in new characters like Paolo (Rodrigo Santoro) and Nikki (Kiele Sanchez) when it seems like you're already having trouble servicing the original characters.
Damon: That's a legitimate concern, and I wouldn't say that we have difficulty servicing the initial cast. I do think that we acknowledge that the franchise of Lost — if there was one since we don't have bodies on gurneys or clients coming into law firms — is the introduction of new characters. We basically get two criticisms: One is that we're not with our main people enough, and the other is [that people are] sick and tired of seeing redundant flashback stories. You can't have your cake and eat it, too. And another criticism we've been getting since the very beginning of the show is, "How come we never hear from, or incorporate into the story, the other passengers, the ones who are sort of carrying logs around in the background?" Obviously we knew it'd be tricky starting to fold Rodrigo and Kiele into the show as if they'd been there all along. But it was an effort on our part to sort of deal with two out of those three criticisms. Although the inevitable, “Why aren't we spending more time with Claire instead of spending time with people we don't know yet?" was going to come up. We suffer the slings and arrows of criticisms at almost every creative turn, and again, it's all in the service of the uber-story that is Lost.

Personally, I'd be happy if the show just featured Matthew Fox, Michael Emerson and Elizabeth Mitchell every week.
Damon: We're going to spin them off. It's going to be called "Ben & Friends."

One other complaint I'm hearing this season is that new mysteries are being presented before old ones are solved. Can you say anything about that?
Carlton: We're always in this sort of balancing act. [We want] to keep the audience engaged by the underlying mysteries of the show, but we also want to try to answer questions and give people some satisfaction. And I think maybe the pendulum has swung a little too much into the “Well, we need more answers” category, and we try to be attentive to that. I think there are some upcoming episodes — after the break in the spring — that will answer a number of the open questions. We certainly plan to tell the audience this year how Locke got in the wheelchair.
Damon: We'll be getting a lot more detailed about what happened to Locke, Eko and Desmond following the immediate aftermath of the hatch exploding, imploding or potentially doing something else.
Carlton: We're doing a flashback story where you'll find out how Jack got his tattoos.
Damon: And we'll begin peeling back layers of who the Others are, how long they've been on the island, what their origins are. That's really the sort of uber-plot of Season 3. And here's the thing: At the end of season 2, we downloaded a hell of a lot of mythology in those last couple episodes. We explained why the plane crashed and whether or not the button was the real deal. But at the same time, every time we close one door we have to open up another or else we risk falling victim to the Twin Peaks curse, which is that once they told you who killed Laura Palmer, there was no reason to watch the show anymore.
Carlton: What you might also be feeling is that kind of sense that we're basically working on Episode 60, so that's a lot of hours to not know, “What's the nature of this island? Where is this island?" The overarching mysteries of Lost remain unanswered. But those questions have to remain unanswered until the show ends. That's something we don't know and we're not in control of when it is going to end. We will attempt to answer some of the transitory questions, but obviously, the big ones have to stay unanswered.

Will Adewale be back for that flashback episode you just referred to?
Damon: It might not necessarily be a flashback episode.

But you said we're going to go back and find out what happened right after the hatch imploded or whatever.
Damon: Yes, we are. It might be a flashback, but we're not going to tell you how that information gets relayed.
Carlton: It might be a flash-forward or a flash-sideways.
Damon: It will certainly be a flash-something.
Carlton: It could be a flash in the pan.
Damon: Look, here's the thing, Michael. We believe audiences aren't really asking, “When are we going to get our answers?” They're asking, "Are we going to get our answers?" And that's a very savvy question for them to be asking, because of the nature of the television business, it's sort of like, "Are they just stringing us along?" And all Carlton and I can say is that we are absolutely committed to giving you those answers. We know what the answers are, and we're telling them in the most creatively satisfying way for us as storytellers.

A reader named Denise sent in what I think is a really good question. When the plane crashed, Ben told Goodwin that if he ran he could be at the crash site in an hour. Now if they're on two different islands, how could he possibly do that? Walk on water?

Carlton: That island isn't necessarily where they live. It's not necessarily the same place where we saw those guys in the beginning of the teaser of the season premiere this year. I think that would be a very reasonable explanation as to how Goodwin and Ethan could run from the Others' home camp to the crash site.

OK. Another reader, Baude, wants to know when we're going to find out what happened to those kids who were abducted.
Damon: I think you'll begin to get a real sense of the answer to that question in about the second episode back after the break — a very real sense.

Does it tie in at all to the fact that Juliet's a fertility doctor?
Damon: I think that's a reasonable connection.

Is the guy with the eye patch going to figure prominently this season?
Carlton: Oh yeah.
Damon: Prominently.

And what about the outside world?
Damon: Obviously, this is the big sort of dangler from Season 2. We broke perspective off the island for the first time — at least that's what we're leading everybody to believe — and, certainly, that ball is in motion and rolling down the hill at a very fast rate. That is pretty much what begins to dominate Season 3 once we come back from the break. It takes a couple of episodes to get up to speed, but the fact that the island may have been seen is pretty much the entire story arc of the second half of the year.

Is it too soon to talk about what this season's "challah" will be?
Carlton: Yes.
Damon: We've already gone on record as saying we're going to call it the "matzo" this year.
Carlton: Our biggest concern on the show is that we're going to run out of Jewish bread products.
Damon: There aren't that many.

Is there going to be a sort of "challah"-type thing at the end of tonight's episode?
Carlton: No.
Damon: It's not a game-changer.
Carlton: But there's a good cliff-hanger.
Damon: It's a much more conventional cliff-hanger in the vein of Jack Bauer going on a slow boat to China.
Carlton: We believe it's a cliff-hanger that will make the audience want to come back and watch the show when it picks up in February.
Damon: It will hopefully be good enough to incur major frustration from the audience as to "How dare we go off the air for 13 weeks and leave them hanging in that fashion!"
Carlton: The angrier we make them the better the cliff-hanger is, I guess.

You guys have been quoted as saying you're going to drop a "bomb" during the second half of the season.
Damon: There are two bombs being dropped, one of which is a character bomb, and that will happen within the first three episodes after the break. And the other is a more significant story bomb, a game-changer, as it were, and that will happen shortly after.

A big thanks to Damon and Carlton for taking part in this historic AA! Now let's get to the rest of the scoop!

alors déjà ils disent cette année on reverra pas l'hist de mike et walt Sad mais qu'il y a un plan de prévu.

ils parlent des nouveaux, ils disent que c'était dure de les introduire comme ça comme s'ils avaient toujours été là et que ça plait pas au gens aprés je comprends pas tout je crois qu'ils s'en moquent un peu même s'ils recoivent des flèches pour cela.
damon dit ensuite qu'on va se défaire de ben, juju et jack et ça s'appelera ben et ses amis Laughing
ils disent qu'ils sont attentifs aux fans qui demande des réponses aux questions sur les mystères, on aura des réponses aprés le hiatus sur certaines choses et dont pourquoi locke était en fauteuil.
on apprendra pour jack et ses tatouages
et aussi sur les others, depuis quand ils sont là et ceux qu'ils y font c'est le but de cette saison 3.
ils disent qu'ils ont fermés une porte avec l'histoire de la trappe mais qu'ils en ouvrent une nouvelle sur les others cette année Very Happy
ils disent qu'ils travaillent sur l'epi 12 car chez moi le 60ème = 12ème s3^^
ils disent que les questions sur l'île (où elle se trouve, ce qu'elle est vrt) en elle même doivent être donnés à la fin de la série. ils disent qu'ils savent pas quand la série va finir, c'est pas eux qui décide.ils répondent à quelques questions mais les plus importantes on le saura qu'à la fin.
ausiello a demandé si on reverra eko dans un fb, ils ont dit qu'on verra surtout ce qui est arrivé quand la trappe a implosé, ils disent que pour ça, ça pourra être un flash en arrière, en avant ils font un peu les cons là Laughing
ils disent qu'ils savent les réponses aux questions et qu'ils ne peuvent les donner clairement donc ils cherchent à le faire de façon créative.
ils parlent de ben qui a dit à godwin d'aller voir les tailis vous savez l'hist des 1h et là ils disent mais ils sont pas nécéssairement sur la même île. ils disent qu'on saura comment ils ont pu courir si vite après le crash.
officiel 308 on saura pour les enfants dc centric other Very Happy c'est lié à juju et son travail apparement
pour l'hist que l'île a pu être vu par l'équipe de penny réponse après le hiatus Very Happy
je sais pas si vous savez mais à chq cliff on donne un nom et là ils appellent ça matzo
epi à suspense ce soir, ça incitera tout le monde à revenir mon dieu vont nous faire quoi Shocked
et ensuite ils parlent de la bombe que je vous ai dit hier voilà Smile
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyMer 8 Nov - 17:34

encore une itv de la prod ^^ j'aime le mot finally moi je dis bye bye le triangle ENFINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN pardon c'était plus fort que moi ils redisent un peu sans trop de détails comme l'itv que j'ai trad tout à l'hre plus de retour sur la plage avec quand mm des réponses sur les others mais lentement

edit : dialogue entendu à la radio pour l'epi 306

1. Someone is yelling "Run", I'm not sure who it is but it's definitely not Sawyer or a female.

2. Pickett says "You should have run while you had the chance."

3. Kate says "You don't have to do this."

lizzie parle de jacket

j'ai trouvé cette pic de jack alors on dit que c'est la cage de sawyer mais regardez j'ai fais ça Smile

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bon c'est pas la cage de saw ni de kate
kate avait pas d'abreuvoir, sawyer en avait un à gauche, jack à droite, pas de machine fish bicuit et saw avait pas de lit

voilà la pic d'origine
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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyMer 8 Nov - 18:36


Instead, ABC hopes to keep “Lost” fans enticed over the next three months with what it is calling “ ‘Lost’ Nuggets”: 30-second promotional clips of scenes from episodes not yet broadcast that will hint at what will become of the island castaways when the show returns.

The “Nuggets” will be shown each week during “Day Break,” although ABC is not saying at what time, meaning “Lost” fans will have to watch the new show or fast-forward through their digitally recorded files to unearth the clues.
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Emilie Bells
Emilie Bells

Nombre de messages : 649
Age : 35
Ba t'es où? : Pour l'instant, devant mon didi !!
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyMer 8 Nov - 22:20

justement, je trouve que la cage où est jack ressemble fortement à celle de sawyer :
*on a exactement la même structure
*il y a une espèce de banquette en pierre avec dans la continuité l'abreuvoir
*la porte se situe au même endroit.
et puis vu la photo, on ne peut pas voir s'il y a ou non la machine avec le bouton (mais on peut la deviner car si on regarde bien il y a une avancée dans l'axe de la porte)
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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyVen 10 Nov - 17:18

après les avoir matté il va finir dans la cage où skate a eu sa première nuit d'amour, il est vrt pas gâté lui lol!
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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyMar 14 Nov - 23:30

bon alors la tof de jack dans la cage c'est en fait foxy qui prend une pause pour fumer Wink

voilà la fille qui va jouer la femme mystérieuse dans le fb de jack en thailande

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je sais pas si c'est vrai spoilers 307

Obviously, the follow-up to "I Do's" cliff hanger, this episode will reveal whether or not Jack, Kate and Sawyer make it off the island! The Episode is Juliet centric, telling her story from back in the really-real world. The episode also Guest stars William Mapother as Ethan. The rumored plot goes something like this: While Sawyer and Kate run through the jungle, Juliet convinces Jack that his plan will not work; Kate and Sawyer will surely be caught before they find a way off the island and the others vying for Ben's death will quickly gain control. If it is escape he wants, he will need to go with her. Kate and Sawyer are rescued by Danielle's daughter, Alex. Jack thinks he is being taken to Kate and Sawyer who are waiting on a boat, in the end of the episode we learn that Ethan was Juliet's husband and her plot to kill Ben was a rouse all along as she shoots... well, I'm not going there, but suffice to say she has revenge on her mind.

apparement c'est vrai

Juliet shooting Jack spoiler.

"My aunt is visiting her in-laws in Hawaii. She was riding in a bus that goes all around Oahu and heard a young man say he was on catering duty when Matt Fox was shot by Elizabeth Mitchell. Square in the chest. He said the whole set was absolutely grim. I hope this is not true, but I have been hearing Matt does want to leave."

et le fb de jack c'est l'epi d'aprés.... Shocked (enfin prochain epi chez les others quoi cad le 309...ça me rap le 206 Shocked et ils ont dit epi 308 c'est comme le 207 Shocked )
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyMer 15 Nov - 14:09

un "spoiler" de ausiello

Question: What's the latest on Cynthia Watros returning to Lost to finish out her backstory?— T.K.
Ausiello: I asked Lindelof-Cuse that very question when I spoke to them for AA's 100th. Here's what Carlton had to say: "We would love to tell the rest of [Libby's] story, it’s [just] a question of whether we get to it. We’re now working on the early episodes for the second pod, and we want to get back to some of the characters we haven’t seen, and spend a little more time with them. We'd like to get to Cynthia's story, but I think we're going to try to tell the stories of our regular characters before we do that." Adds Damon: "Obviously, we have a couple more beats of Libby’s story to tell to fill in the missing pieces, and the way we would tell that story is in the flashbacks of another character. But that character can’t be a character that we already know and love, otherwise they would recognize Libby. We know who those characters are and what those story beats are, but it might be a while before we get to their flashbacks."
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyMer 15 Nov - 21:49

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Citation :
We just got back from Oahu, and we ran into the new Brazilian dude "Paulo" surfing at the Banzai Pipeline on the North Shore. They are also filming 3rd season scenes at Malaekahane State Park (north shore) and we got to see Sawyer and Kate out there as well. The Security is really good about fans meandering about. If you continue around the north shore heading east, you will see the dock from the end of Season 2. Its a small island so they seem to be filming everywhere....

à hawaï une personne a vu paulo entrain de surfer et apparement ils étaient ici pour filmer une scéne pour la s3 et de loin on pouvait voir sawyer et kate entrain d'être filmé alors je sais pas si c'est une scéne dans l'eau ou non mais c'est près des docks du dernier epi de la s2
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyVen 17 Nov - 14:07

kristin parle de la rumeur sur foxy et la réponse de damon....laisse encore des portes ouvertes :s

From K:
Matthew Fox is going to be killed off Lost.
If you've been anywhere near a Lost fansite this week, chances are, you've heard this rumor and have initially dismissed it, thinking, "Pshaw! He's the freaking lead of the show! They can't kill off Matthew Fox!"
But with this seemingly ludicrous rumor persisting, even the most disbelieving fan can't help but wonder, "Wait a minute...could it actually be true?"
Of course, at this point, only a handful of people know for sure if it's true that Jack Shepard will be meeting his maker when the show returns in February—including, of course, Lost's maker, Damon Lindelof. So, since I've never been one for patience, I went to the loveable genius of a producer himself to get the word on these Jack-out (I nearly typed something else) rumors.
And, tubers, I hope you're sitting down. 'Cause here's what Lindelof tells me exclusively:
"This is the most insane rumor regarding Lost to date. The fact that you think we might do it is incredibly flattering."
Now, if you're like me, your heart leapt—then sank—upon hearing these words. While it might seem a denial at first—oh, dear friends, how it is not. To the contrary, Lindelof finds the idea that they'd be brave enough to kill off our fearless, Other-defying leader—gasp—flattering.
All I can say is: Run, Jack, run for your liiife!
Don't forget that this is the same man who told us that it was "absolutely not true" that Michelle Rodriguez would be killed off for bad behavior. She was killed off, but not for bad behavior. Tricky, tricky.
Meanwhile, along with Lindelof's statement, there are a few factual snippets that could point to a Foxy demise:
Spoiler alert! We know Juliet shoots someone on the beach in an upcoming episode—and it is supposedly a huge plot point. Eeek!
We know Matthew Fox stars in a new movie called We Are Marshall, (sadly, not an Alias spinoff) which is already starting to get a few whispers here and there of the big O word. (Not Oprah. The awards one. Word is his performance is that good.) So, it stands to reason that Foxy could want to move on to a big, fancy film career.
We know that in the primary genesis of Lost, the initial plan was to kill off Jack by the end of the first episode. Of course, that was when a guest star like Michael Keaton would be playing him, but still, the idea was to prove to viewers that this is a show where anything can happen—a statement that could certainly give the show new life/buzz/ratings in its third season.
And, well, geez. That said, I can't believe I'm about to utter these words, but it might actually not be all that bad...
Am I being crazy? I am, aren't I?
Let me know what you think by commenting below!
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyLun 20 Nov - 22:16

c'est pas une interview récente mais foxy parlait du choix de kate et j'aime bien ce qu'il dit lol! et aussi de jacket

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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 4 EmptyMar 21 Nov - 22:29

bon nouveaux spoilers bonnes nouvelles jack n'est pas celui que juju tire mais j'aime pas le spoiler 7 mais alors pas du tout...

epi 311

Spoiler: eps. 311 is called " Enter 77 " and features Sami and Farah, an Iraqi couple who own a restaurant in Paris

on dirait bien un fb sur sayid
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