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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptySam 15 Juil - 13:12

ici vous trouverez tous les spoilers pour la s3 Wink

Dernière édition par le Sam 25 Nov - 3:19, édité 22 fois
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Nombre de messages : 2642
Ba t'es où? : Ch'ui là! ^^
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyVen 11 Aoû - 23:08

slt tlm je vous ramène une surprise c'est foxy -_-" et comme on sait que le 301 est tourné cette crois que le fb est sur lui
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyMer 16 Aoû - 19:31

Je viens de trouver quelques nouveaux spoilers. C'est le tchat de la remplaçante temporaire de Kristin (Kristin est à Hawaii en ce moment.)
Bon, ce ne sont pas des méga spoilers, mais on apprend quand même certaines choses :

seat42f asks: While the cat's away Korbi shall play... got a Lost question... big rumor floating around that Maggie Grace is going to be on Lost again this year in a new characters flashback... can your Lost moles confirm or deny?

OK, my Lost mole says they’re checking into it, howevah Jack was just shooting a flashback all decked out in his hospital scrubs, and we know Jack was seen in his hospital scrubs in one of Shannon’s flashbacks, so… could she be back? Sure. I’ll tell you this. When I ran into her and Naveen Andrews last December, she was not too keen on returning. When I asked if she would want to appear on the show again, she was like “Hello, I’m dead!” And I was like, “Yeah, but what about appearing in flashbacks?” When I asked if she would want to appear on the show again, she was like “Hello, I’m dead!” And I was like, “Yeah, but what about appearing in flashbacks?” and she kind of avoided my question saying “I think if I did come back, I would be rather cold andpale and stiff, and it wouldn't be very pleasant. They'd have to dig me up. It would just get ugly.” But that was eight months ago, and time heals all wounds, right? I’ve heard she’s not working on anything else right now…

angelgirlla asks: Korbi! We need some Lost scoop...I promise I won't tell Kristin if you share!

Korbi_Ghosh replies: Okay, I’m sure I’m reeeeeaaaallly probably not supposed to do this, but I just had to look through Kristin’s email for something and I saw this email from Damon Lindelof: “Yes - - Kate will be making a choice in the first sex episodes. Wait -- did I say "sex" episodes? I meant SIX episodes. Damn you, Freud!” So it looks like she’ll for sure be choosing between Jack and Sawyer in the first six. Ack! Any bets on who it will be? I don’t know why, but I’m thinking Sawyer.

Jen asks: So, Korbi, spill!! Kristin said you’d tell us if Jack, Kate and Sawyer are together or separated when the season begins.

Korbi_Ghosh replies: What’s that Offspring song? Oh yeah … You gotta keep ‘em separated.

Mary asks: Where are the three on Lost? Where will they be??!

Korbi_Ghosh replies: Kristin gave me one clue on each. See if you can figure this shizniz out, cause it’s driving me insane! “Jack is inside something you’d find in a science class. Kate is on something we’ve seen before. And Sawyer is surrounded by something through which he shares a connection with Jack’s father.”
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Nombre de messages : 273
Age : 33
Ba t'es où? : dans un endroit que personne ne connait....
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyMer 16 Aoû - 21:29

roh Kate elle pourrait faire son choix dans la S2 lool
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyJeu 17 Aoû - 13:33

mais dis donc tu te spoiles toi c'est pas bien ça ^^

petit spoiler

Matthew Fox (Jack), who was on set shooting flashback scenes with Julie Bowen (who plays Jack's wife, Sarah). Newlywed Emilie de Ravin (Claire), who was back home on the mainland with her new husband, Josh Janowicz. Naveen Andrews (Sayid), who was in New York, where he has been shooting a movie. Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (Mr. Eko) was in London, and Dominic Monaghan (Charlie) was not due in Hawaii until later in the week to begin his scenes
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptySam 19 Aoû - 15:33

Episode 3.03: The Glass Ballerina (Sun/Jin(?)-centric)
Airdate: October 18, 2006

08/18 - sun rêve de sa fille âgée de 9ans. Source: secretagentman @ TWOP

les lieux où se trouve le trio :
-Jack est à l'intérieur de quelque chose que vous trouveriez dans une classe de la science.
-Kate est sur quelque chose que nous avons vue avant.
-Et Sawyer est entouré par quelque chose par laquelle il partage un raccordement avec le père de Jack"

Evie et josh on tournés une scène ensembles récemment
Michael (henry gale) et evie aussi
matthew fox a tourné avec Julie Bowen (sarah)
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyDim 20 Aoû - 13:30

sinon la dernière podcast de jayandjack dit cela :

Citation :
Was just listening to Jay and Jack podcast and they got an email from Ryan from "The Transmission" (He lives in Hiawii) saying his friend got to be an extra in this scene. He said it was with Julie Bowen so probably that person is Sarah.

So my guess is, After the divorce, Jack likes to watch Sarah, hard to deal with it. She was walking by the school where Sarah teaches and saw the kid was chocking. He jumped the fence and helped the girl. And now its awkard that Jack was watching Sarah....

ALSO, Ryan from the Transmission also said that his friend got to be an OTHER extra on the island. Apparantly he also was in the fake camp scene. They said that Ryan's friend's job was to stand on the beach and act as if there was an EARTHQUAKE. Intersting no?

Check out the last 15 minutes of Jay and Jack's latest podcast for more info.

en gros on dit que ryan un ami de jay et jack qui vit à hawai a vu la scène de près et qu'il a reconnu sarah ensuite ils donnent leur théorie que c'est que sarah travaille pour cette école et que jack mm ap leur divorce ne peut pas s'empêcher de la revoir et quand un enfant a eu un accident il est venu l'aider sinon ryan a aussi dit qu'il y avait aussi un faux camp dans une scène et qu'ils ont dit faire une scène ou comme la terre tremble...étrange....

voilà le lien pour ceux qui connaissent pas jay&jack ^^

la podcast s'appelle transmission Wink
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyDim 20 Aoû - 23:31

sinon voilà des nouvelles photos de foxy

je crois vrt qu'il va faire un film lui, il tourne de plus en plus en ce moment et on sait qu'il avait dem un peu plus de temps libre...

edit : certain pense vu le nombre d'action avec l'eau que ça serait le tournage pour le 306

Dernière édition par le Mar 22 Aoû - 22:45, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyMar 22 Aoû - 22:43

From secretagentman at TWoP:
Spoiler: Eps 304 is called " Every Man For Himself". Its is Desmond-centric with flashbacks to his time in prison. It features Warden Harris, a nasty man with a hate on for Desmond.
304 also has 'Munson', a mild-mannered gov't bureaucrat in his 30's who shows his dark side when he finds out he has been betrayed by his wife. No, I do not who his wife is or who he is connectd to.


304 : chaque homme pour soi même (je pense) desmond centric fb en prison. un homme (surement gardien) le surveille et il le hait . le 304 a aussi un "munson", un homme de bureau des années 30 qui montre son côté obscur quand il découvre que sa femme l'a trahit.on ne sait pas le lien avec un castaway avec qui elle pourrait être connectée
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyMar 22 Aoû - 23:20

Spoilers Sunjintvguide03
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyMer 23 Aoû - 11:11

ce type a été sur le tournage de la s3, il a fait une photo avec jorge et il parle un peu de ce qu'il a appris,

en gros, il a vu jorge, josh, evie, michael et EM mais pas foxy, il a donné sa théorie sur le look en fin de s2 et on lui a simplement dit je peux te dire que jack est futé, ça fait pensé à un plan C... et hurley était bien re au camp des autres

comme si on s'en doutait pas Shocked



il est avec un autre ici
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyJeu 24 Aoû - 20:02

Citation :
08/24 - It will be revealed that Jack has met one of "The Others" back in the real world; this will relate to why he is the only one they are able to cooperate with, although he will be extremely wary in the beginning. Get ready for politics-on-the-beach when the clique returns Jack-less and limping to confront a populace ready for regime change, and an aggressive new leader with a dangerous motivation. Source: The Tail Section

trad :
il sera révélé que jack a rencontré un other dans le vrai monde, cela se comprendra (un truc comme ca ) pourquoi il est le seul avec qui ils sont capables de coopérer. bien que les choses soient difficiles au début...
Soyez prêts à la politique sur la plage quand la bande revient sans jack et se confronte tant bien que mal à une populace prête pour un changement de régime et à un nouveau leader agressif et dont la motivation est dangereuse...
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyVen 25 Aoû - 10:35

tu veux dire quoi par là ?
Chat de kristin Smile dslée j'ai pas le tps de trad ce matin Embarassed

Feast on Long-Awaited Answers on Lost--Straight from the Island!

by Kristin Veitch | Aug. 25, 2006

Lost stars answer your Q's in the new Vine show!

Who will Kate choose? What's with the newbies? Who's the daddy of Sun's baby? And seriously, what's with those freaky-ass Others?!

Some people might head to the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii, for a little rest and relaxation, but last week, your favorite tube-obsessed TV Diva was there for one reason only: to try and get some freaking answers to this endless list of questions about Lost!

The second season DVD is coming out in just a few short days--Sept. 5–-and the cast gathered on the beach in Kahuku, Hawaii, to celebrate. So, I did what any right-minded Lost-aholic would do: Pounced.

And so, in our spanking-new exclusive Vine show at the top of this page--shot on special location in Hawaii!--you finally get to see what the castmembers have to say about some of Lost's lingering mysteries, including the big Kate-Jack-Sawyer love triangle, Jorge Garcia's "clone theory" and, hope you're sitting down for this, a possible third option as the father of Sun's baby's daddy-–gahhh!!! (And no, it's not Michael.)

Still, there are many, many more questions we Lost die-hards are dying to know. So, let's tackle 'em one by one, and I'll share with you what the cast and producers were kind enough to spill.

Question: Who Will Kate Choose?
Answer: It Sure Doesn't Sound Like Sawyer.
Thanks to Lost boss Damon Lindelof, we know Kate is "making a choice" between Jack and Sawyer in the first six episodes. (Can. Not. Wait.) And, well, after talking to Sawyer himself, Josh Holloway--and a few insidery moles--something tells me it might not be Sawyer. Which could explain why Josh was a bit on the defensive (albeit jokingly) when asked about Kate's big decision--which you can see in the clip at left, along with Josh's new nickname for me!

"I say Sawyer stands alone!" Josh told me with his signature sly smile. "I love Sawyer as a free agent. I don't want him all tied up, you know? Sappy. He can't be soft and sappy. I mean, come on. His stock would just [plummet], just drop!"

Regardless, executive producer Carlton Cuse promised there will be lovey-dovey satisfaction very soon. "This season will have a lot more romance," he said. "We have been talking about romance, but finally we're at a place in the show where we've done 49 episodes of the show; the castaways have been there for 65 days. It's time for some romance, and we're going to deliver." Can I get an Amen?

Question: Will Desmond or Ethan be back?
Answer: Yes! And Yes!
Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond) confirmed he is now officially a series regular, and a little birdie told me William Mapother was in Hawaii last week--and he exactly wasn't sipping mai tais by the pool, but rather, he was working his wonderfully creepy Ethan magic. Love it.

Question: Did the Hatch really explode?
Answer: Yes!
Simply put in the words of executive producer Bryan Burke: "The Hatch is gone. Done. We have new sets that have been built on our soundstage, so it's a whole new world for you."

Sure enough, inside Lost's studio in downtown Honolulu, the set of our beloved Hatch has been completely obliterated and removed. That is precisely why the artist of the Hatch murals, executive producer Jack Bender, is able to have an exhibit this weekend in Los Angeles that includes some of those paintings from that very set. (If you're interested in attending, check the message boards for details.)

Question: Where Are the Others?
Answer: Somewhere You'd Never Expect.
Lost's new set for season three--the camp of the Others--is so supersecret, the producers have already sent out a request to us reporter types to "please not reveal anything even hinting at what the camp of the Others looks like."

So, I'll tell you what it doesn't look like: It sure doesn't look anything like that spot where Michael picked up Walt last season. Not one bit. It is also a
not a treehouse. Or a YMCA. It's bigger than a hatch. But smaller than the island. And we'll be seeing this camp a lot this season, because...

Question: What's Season Three About?
Answer: The Others, the Others and, Oh Yeah, the Others.
"I've been saying since the first season that I was most excited about seasons two and three," producer Burke said, "and we're gettin' there. There are a lot of things going on on the island, as you well know, and this year, it's all about the other side and the Others and what the hell they're up to."

That means, of course, that the insanely intriguing Mr. Michael Emerson, the Other formerly known as Henry Gale, is indeed back for season three. "This is my understanding, unless someone has fibbed to me," he said wryly. "Yeah, I'm here for the season."

Brazilian names and what to expect this season

And as Evangeline Lilly hints in the Vine show on the previous page, it looks as if Kate is spending some quality time in close quarters with good ol' Henry. Eeek.

Question: Are the Others Good or Evil?
Answer: Depends on Who You Ask.
In the video clip at the top of this page, Michael/Henry gives his personal assessment of his Other brethren. "I think they've been misunderstood," he told me. "I think they are. Seriously, we've learned to fear them a little bit, because we don't understand their agenda, because they are mysterious, but I think when we get to know them a little better, we'll see they are on the side of the righteous."

Will the characters clue in to their connections?

Question: Is Claire Jack's Half-Sister?!
Answer: Could Be!
I popped this doozy of a theory (that's been running around the Internet) on Cuse during the party, and you can see his (I think) somewhat telling reaction in the video clip at right. He also discusses the Jack-Kate-Sawyer love triangle and what to expect from the first six episodes, which "have a lot to do with Jack and Kate and Sawyer in captivity."

(Psst...Speaking of, did I mention I know where the three of them turn up in the season premiere? I'll let you know in Monday's chat, if you want to know.)

Question: Where Are the Newbies?
Answer: Far, Far Away From the American Press
None of the new series regulars attended the DVD party ("They can't say anything right now," we were told). However, I was able to track down Brazilian superstar Rodrigo Santoro (whom I was so excited about meeting, I learned Portuguese!) on the other side of the world in Brazil--or rather, in a Brazilian newspaper that just interviewed him. I mention this because the article (decoded by yours truly and my trusted Brazilian native) has some interesting information.

For starters, Rodrigo said that he won't appear on the show until February, and that he first met Damon and Carlton when he was offered a role on Alias--but had to turn it down because he was under contract with Brazil's Globo TV. Turns out, Rodrigo is still under contract with Globo. He said they're letting him take a sabbatical to shoot Lost, and then he'll go back to Globo, so it doesn't sound like he'll be sticking around all that long in Hawaii. (Either that or he eats robots. My Portuguese isn't perfect.)

And then there's the money quote. The interviewer asked if there will be a side story of Brazilians on Lost, and Rodrigo said, "No. They told me that that has nothing to do with it. They told me that they thought it was funny, because in the last episode some people were speaking Portuguese. But from what I heard, I'm not one of those Brazilians. I'm going to be one of the survivors from the plane that apparently was on the island all this time. I'm going to be a character with a past."

Fascinating, no?!

You can get more on this Rodrigo article in the message boards.

Locke-up: Terry dishes on what's next for John

Question: Will We Find Out Why Locke Was in the Wheelchair?
Answer: Yes!
Terry O'Quinn revealed that "I've heard that's going to happen this season. I'm not sure when it will happen but I have heard that it will." And I can hear fans cheering.

Question: Do Naveen Andrews and Terry O'Quinn Secretly Love Each Other?
Answer: And how!
This is one of the many fantastic things you'll get to find out for yourself when you buy the season two DVD, which comes out Sept. 5 and has tons of great extras. In the bloopers segment, there's a hilarious scene in which Locke is laying in the Hatch bed and Naveen leans down to him to kiss him, full on, on the lips, and says, "I can't quit you." Terry talks about this clandestine love affair (all in good fun, obviously) in the video clip above. He also discusses what's next for Locke, after his somewhat public frustration with how things went last season.

Question: Should You Buy the Season Two DVD?
Answer: Need You Ask?
Obviously, it's great for anyone who needs to catch up, but if you're a die-hard Lost-aholic, there are plenty of

Bloop this! Daniel spills on the set's jokesters

features on there you'll want to check out, like of course, the bloopers (which Daniel Dae Kim talks about in the cute video clip at right), a whole segment devoted to Sawyerisms and an interactive segment laying out the official Lost character connections. Speaking of, Carlton teases, "There's a good Easter egg about the numbers in there that you should click around and see." Good stuff.

Now, you want more scoop on Lost and other shows? Then join me for our next chat, this Monday at 5 p.m. ET/2 p.m. PT. And don't forget...

The Emmys Are Coming! Sunday is the big day, and you know I'll be there front and center (and behind the scenes snooping). So, if you're so inclined, please join me for our Live Countdown Emmy Awards show from 4 to 6 p.m., then Live from the Red Carpet from 6 to 8 p.m. I'll of course bring you all the delicious Emmy dish the next day in our chat.

Happy Emmy-ing!
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptySam 26 Aoû - 15:23

quelques spoilers en vrac

DHARMA = Department of Heuristics And Research on Material Applications

Rose a une fille.

On va en savoir plus sur Goodwin dans les flash back

on aura l'explication pour les "murmures"

ethan reviendra dans un fb de charlie ou de claire...

et spoilerfix
08/25 - A little birdie told me William Mapother was in Hawaii last week -- and he exactly wasn't sipping mai tais by the pool, but rather, he was working his wonderfully creepy Ethan magic. Simply put in the words of executive producer Bryan Burke: "The Hatch is gone. Done. We have new sets that have been built on our soundstage, so it's a whole new world for you." It looks as if Kate is spending some quality time in close quarters with good ol' Henry. Rodrigo said that he won't appear on the show until February. Turns out, Rodrigo is still under contract with Globo TV. He said they're letting him take a sabbatical to shoot Lost, and then he'll go back to Globo, so it doesn't sound like he'll be sticking around all that long in Hawaii. Rodrigo said, "I'm going to be one of the survivors from the plane that apparently was on the island all this time. I'm going to be a character with a past." Terry O'Quinn revealed that "I've heard that [the why was Locke in a wheelchair explanation is] going to happen this season. I'm not sure when it will happen but I have heard that it will." Source: Kristin on E!Online
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyLun 28 Aoû - 12:45

oui c'est une promo de la je sais pas pk :s

sinon voilà une nouvelle qui risque de nous apporter des spoilers avant la diffusion

The Mayor announced the other day that Saturday September 30 Waikiki Sunset on the Beach will be the Hawaii premier of Lost - several days before the October 4 TV season three premiere - complete w Red Carpet star sitings. Remember sitting thru the rain last year? Worth it for the very first public view of The Hatch!

dc vous pouvez être sur que le 30 je passe ma nuit sur le net Laughing

sinon y a aussi ça mais on pense au 305 pour locke mais rien n'est confirmé dc je laisse en foiler pour le moment mais

The Convention Center turns into Sydney Airport again on Monday 8/28 - a Locke backstory scene.

edit : dans le dernier tvstar on dit que foxy va jouer au côté de l'acteur qui joue dans nip tuck celui qui fait quentin dans le film rambo 4 réalisé par stalone...le tournage est annoncé pour la fin de l'été, c'est ptet pour ce film que foxy va jouer...

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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyMar 29 Aoû - 11:10

voilà l'itv de damon

Citation :


DL = Damon Lindelof, the man behind the LOST curtain
JG = Dr. Anna Graham's real initials


JG: Rumors spread that Matthew Fox may be disappearing at some point during the season to do Rambo. Do you know of these rumors?
DL: Rambo?
JG: Oh yes. No, not even kidding at all. Rambo 64. The villain.
DL: Really?
JG: Yes.
DL: I am so surprised by that on so many different levels, I don't even know where to begin my denials. I will say this: I have a tremendous amount of respect for Matthew Fox as an actor, and just on that basis alone, I call bulls--t on the Rambo rumors. Not that Rambo isn't awesome in his own special way, but I just can't see that...


JG: We have three new characters, according to the media. Will they be regular or recurring new characters?
DL: Elizabeth Mitchell is a regular, and both Rodrigo and Kiele are recurs. But, as with all our recurs, there is always the potential for regularity.
JG: Upgrading.
DL: Yes. You have to make room.
JG: By killing other--aww, you're so cruel.
DL: There's more than one way off the Island. It's not just death.
JG: Sometimes you get a boat on the right heading, and you get lucky.
DL: Sometimes you kill a couple women, and you get rewarded for that.
JG: Life's not fair. That's the moral of your show.
DL: You can say that again.


JG: [Your] partner-in-crime [Carlton Cuse] recently stonewalled a question about if Claire was Jack's half-sister. Would you like to stonewall the same question?
DL: I would be honored to stonewall the same question. Though nobody stonewalls like Carlton stonewalls.
JG: He did a good job.
DL: Yeah, it's sort of more like I'm drywall. That's what I do. If Carlton's a stone wall, I'm drywall.
JG: So with a very big hammer I could pound you into submission?
DL: Yes. Very easily. With any sort of sledgehammer you could do it; fortunately for me you don't have one.
JG: I'm very ill-equipped. I might have some makeup.
DL: Sorry, next time.


JG: Charlie--he's big on the altered states. You know, he's heroin-addiction guy--
DL: He turns into a monkey at night--
JG: Spoiler!
DL: And runs down the streets of San Diego. That's Altered States. Oddly enough, he makes a reference to Altered States in episode two this season.
JG: I have no idea what we're talking about at this point.
DL: Me either.
JG: I guess it's a movie?
DL: You've never seen the movie Altered States?
JG: I just know it as the phrase.
DL: It's genius. William Hurt. It's the greatest movie ever. He basically goes into a sensory-deprivation tank, doing all sorts of psychotropic experiments, and he devolves into an ape.
JG: So it's like The Fly. But with mammals. But different.
DL: You gotta see it. It's awesome. You have to go see Altered States. Rent it.
JG: I will, I'll put it in Netflix queue.
DL: Kristin would be disappointed that you haven't. I'm going to tell on you.
JG: That's fine. I'm in trouble with her all the time anyway.
DL: Okay.
JG: Heroin. Kind of seeming crazy in the finale. Is this a theme going forward or was [Charlie] just a little shellshocked from being in a horrible hatch explosion?
DL: I think whether or not Charlie is straight or using is an ongoing question for not only the fans to decipher, but more importantly, for the woman he loves. I, for one, am rooting for him. I hope he's not using.


JG: How sick are you of talking about the love triangle?
DL: Wow.
JG: Actually, I love it, but I imagine you're probably sick and tired.
DL: I like talking about the love triangle. I mean, I think, solid love triangles are the foundation of many excellent TV shows. The key is to--you know, it's amazing to me that we've now written 52 hours of the show and we haven't had any consummation, know, we promise that consummation is coming. And then I'll be sick of talking about the love triangle. Because I feel like we're giving the audience what they're asking for, so I'm preparing for the slings and arrows of the Dave-and-Maddie argument, which is, "Why did you let them sleep together?"


JG: You've said you've had a definitive end for the show. Is it a happy ending or a sad ending?
DL: Happy.
JG: Awww, that makes me very happy.
DL: But tragic.
JG: I figured. You have to have a little of both.
DL: Can't have one without the other

en gros
-EM en cast régulier mais pas les deux autrespour le moment
-charlie/claire relation approfondie, claire a confiance en lui à nouveau mais le mystére de la fin de saison plane, drogue pas drogue, en tt cas conséquence de la trappe sur charlie (c'est pas nouveau^^)
-kate va coucher avec un des deux mecs (sawyerrrrrr pitiéééééééééééééééé Embarassed Embarassed Razz j'arrête Embarassed Embarassed )
-Foxy ne fait pas rambo ouf pour lui
-la relation claire/jack en famille on a tjrs pas de réponse mais bon....
-la fin la série , heureux mais tragique dc mon avis :
heureux libération => entraine une mort Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad (pas sayid Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad )
-sawyer est dans une cage et on saura pour kate et jack la sem proch si j'ai bien compris mais ils sont pas ens
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyMer 30 Aoû - 19:30

Episode 3.03: The Glass Ballerina (Sun/Jin(?)-centric)
Airdate: October 18, 2006

New character introduced in #303. Will recur. 'Colleen', late 30's, tough, obvious military training. Doesn't flinch when a gun is shoved in her face. Trusts few people on the island and only allows herself to be emotionally vulnerable in front of her significant other

Colleen is set to have been a security officer when she was off the island. Source:
dc on sait que colleen était un agent de sécurité avant d'être sur l'île donc surement que c'est une taillie ou alors une nouvelle qu'on va connaitre sur la plage car je vois mal être une other là

ça y est insi se manifeste !

Insider says virtually the entire (original) cast (not sure about the deceased) was at the Convention Center shoot today. One puzzle, insider sez he swears he saw Claire with a baby, but how could that be? Wasn't the baby born, uh, later...?

la question et pk locke serait avec claire et aaron ? un rêve ? étrange...
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptySam 2 Sep - 21:47

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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyDim 3 Sep - 0:07

encore une itv de joshy ^^
il dit juste concernant sa captivité et celle de kate et jack que c'est différent et ça le fait marrer,il nous cache quoi ce ptit con que j'adore ^^
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyMer 6 Sep - 0:14

Eps #305 is called " The Cost of Living", and is Eko-centric.
le coût de la me fait peur suite à cette article....
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyVen 8 Sep - 1:17

c'est pas vraiment un spoiler mais terry tourne le 303 en ce moment ^^

et ça je trouve intéressant mais c'est peut être pas un spoiler mais je trouve que ça fait pas vraiment vu qu'il tourne le 303 en ce moment on sait qu'ils peuvent tourner jusqu'à 2 scénes différentes d'epi ptet 3 même c'est josh qui l'avait dit


et Ian est au cast pr le 304....
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyMar 12 Sep - 1:03

chat de kristinnnnnnnnnn^^ qui me rend de bonne humeur Laughing

Citation :
anon1111 asks: I don't want to watch Lost anymore after your Vine report that Kate wouldn't choose Sawyer. Is there any hope for the Sawyer/kate fans? Or should we just find a new show?

Kristin_Veitch replies: I never said she wouldn't choose Sawyer. I would not have said that, because I don't believe that ... So either I had some freakish out of body experience, or ... I don't know what to say

j'adore la question on demande si pour les skate fan t'as encore de l'espoir ou si font qu'on change de show ptdr Laughing et j'adore la réponse ^^ elle dit j'ai jamais dit qu'elle n'allait pas choisir n'aurais pas dit ça parce que je ne le crois pas..alors soit j'ai subit une épouvantable expérience physique, ne sais pas quoi dire Laughing merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ma ptite étoile Very Happy je le savais de toute façon hihi Very Happy

Citation :
edit : elina asks: Do you know who Kate chooses?

Kristin_Veitch replies: Not yet. It hasn't been *written yet. But I can tell you that at some point in the first four episodes, someone does confess *his love to *her, and it is one of the most heart-wrenching (in every single possible meaning of the phrase “heart-wrenching”) scenes you will ever see. Prepare to freak out.

elle dit ; pas encore, ça n'a pas encore été écrit. mais je peux vous dire qu'à un moment lors des 4 1ers zods, quelqu'un va lui déclarer son amour, et que c'est l'une des scènes les plus déchirantes qui soit (dans tous les sens du terme "déchirante) soyez prêts à devenir dingues Shocked Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

et ensuite

Citation :
rhwoi1 asks: Spill it, girl! What was Ian Somerhalder doing in Hawaii? Hitting a shrimp shack?

Kristin_Veitch replies: Nope. He was hanging with Terry O’Quinn. On set. You know, like, reading lines and stuff. Did somebody say Locke and Boone reunion? I think they did!

racontes tout ! ?que faisait ian à hawai ? La chasse aux crevettes ? Very Happy Laughing

kristin dit : non, .il se baladait avec terry.sur le plateau.tu sais, comme pour lire son texte etc.quelqu'un a dit que boone et locke allaient se retrouver ? je pense que oui !

et l'avant dernière que j'ai ^^

Citation :
anon1111 asks: You said you would reveal where Jack and Kate are at the beginning of Lost Season 3. . .

Kristin_Veitch replies: Jack is in a glass enclosure, and will be interacting a lot with a character we haven't yet seen. Kate is in an examining room, and will be interacting with a character we know!

tu as dit que tu nous révelerez où jack et kate sont au début de la saison 3...

kristin dit ; jack est dans une pièce de verre et il aura de nombreuses intéractions avec un personnage que nous n'avons jamais vu (moi je dis juliet ^^). kate est entrain d'être examinée dans une piéce et elle aura des intéractions avec un personnage que nous connaissons (ben henry ^^)

et la dernière Mad

Citation :
hlrod asks: Is Lost's first ep really a Kate ep?

Kristin_Veitch replies: No, it's Jack. We'll see more of why he feels so guilty about his dad.

on demande si l'epi un sera vraiment sur kate et elle dit : non c'est jack Mad (désolée suis triste Crying or Very sad ).on comprendra mieux pourkoi il se sent coupable à propos de son père
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyMar 12 Sep - 10:45

From elina: Do you know who Kate chooses?
Not yet. It hasn't been written yet. But I can tell you that at some point in the first four episodes, she does confess that she loves someone on the island. [Editor's note: This differs from what I said in the actual chat--sorry! I had it wrong at first.] It is one of the most heart-wrenching (in every single possible meaning of the phrase) scenes you will ever witness. Prepare to freak.

maintenant c'est kate qui avoue ses sentiments Very Happy
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Emilie Bells
Emilie Bells

Nombre de messages : 649
Age : 35
Ba t'es où? : Pour l'instant, devant mon didi !!
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyMar 12 Sep - 19:56

pff, ça va devenir énervant que tous les premiers épisodes soient sur Jack... Evil or Very Mad en plus ils vont reparler de son histoire avec son père.... je sais que c'est un point vraiment important mais j'avais préféré un ép comme le 211, j'trouve qu'il était plus intéressant !!
maintenant, reste à savoir qu'il va mourrir Very Happy
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Nombre de messages : 138
Age : 32
Ba t'es où? : Mystère =P
Date d'inscription : 10/09/2006

Spoilers Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers EmptyMar 12 Sep - 21:11

Niak Niak que de bonne nouvelles pour les skateurs et skateuses comme moi . Suis trop happy vous pouvez pas vous imaginez comment Razz Halala cette saison 3 me fais de plus en plus bavée ^^''''
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