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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyDim 1 Oct - 17:00

voilà un peu plus de détails sur la scéne henry/kate et un peu skate

- Re Kate and the handcuff marks. Fenry (Ben) makes her put them on at breakfast. She puts them on loosely, and he tells her to put them on tighter. So she does, and that's why she has marks from the handcuffs. (These people play a lot of head games!)

- Re Kate crying her eyes out in the promo and covering her face, which all happens when she's going by Sawyer's cage. JAT didn't even notice, thinks she wasn't crying a lot, so I'm guessing maybe that scene was cut or it comes from another episode.

At least I finally got an answer to those bits. Now if someone would just answer if Sawyer managed to make her smile in their scene together - just because I would like to see that - then I'd be happy. I've gotten that it was "cute", "touching", that he made a smartass joke about this not being the cage he made reservations for, but nobody comes right out and answers if she smiled or not!!! I guess I'm going to have to wait to see the episode to find that out, but I'm guessing he does make her smile... because I'm convinced he'd want to make her feel better.
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyDim 1 Oct - 22:52

voilà plus de détails pour skate^^

spoiler skate

: As I said we see kate brought in the cage , isn't nex to sawyer cage but IN FRONT! I dunno if the scene was cutted because she's not coer her face with her heand... hope it will be another scene
They look to eachother, the sawyer broke the silence ' you look beutiful in that dress ' he smile... a sly HOT!! She smiles him back and tells to him ' You made me blush' they smile to eachother. The share a look , then sawyer tells her if she's hungry and give to her the fish (it was weird... It seemed a cookie... it was orange.. really weird MAO) so yes he make her smile, he don;t tells anything if she is worry, or reassurance or stuff... he just gie her a compliments and if she wanna share his 'food' . So he was really cute with her.

et pour la scéne henry/kate

The scene with Herny/Ben whe he asked her why she tells first the Sawyer name she look to him like she is impressed to hersef for mentioned sawyer first... and the after a break she tells to him ' You don't know me'
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyMar 3 Oct - 0:24

le chat de kristin c'est tout ce que j'ai pour le moment

Alexia asks: please tell me that jack kicks juliets butt
Kristin_Veitch replies: Not from what I've seen so far ... But I could make up a good story to appease you Jaters if you want -- I know a lot of you are distressed and I feel ya!

Alexia asks: so what is sawyer and kates kiss about then? DREAM?

Kristin_Veitch replies: It's not a dream. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy moi contente pour ça, mais moi savait déjà Laughing :lapin: :lapin:

Pedro_Guida asks: Brazilian Press has info on Santoro. He'll be on the show in October 11, on the episode Further Instructions and his character is named Paulo. Claire will be surprised to find him in Jack's camp. This info comes from Folha de São Paulo, the most respected Brazilian newspaper

Spoiler: Kristin_Veitch replies: Oi, Pedro! Y obrigada, senhor. (As the future Mrs. Dos Santos I can flaunt my Portuguese now, right?) I can one up this so called “Folha,” of which you speak, and tell you that Paulo is indeed a castaway from Flight 815 whom we haven’t seen before, and will be caught doing something he shouldn’t, in a place he shouldn’t be. (If you read this week’s column, you are now super duper smarty pantsalicious, so congrats!) Kiele Sanchez’s character name is Niki and there are indeed, most definitely connected – in the sense of that great book many of you have read.

bon en gros 1ère question on demande si jack va se défendre contre juju et kristin elle dit pas que je sache mais si vous voulez les jaters je peux vous raconter une histoire Laughing

ensuite ben pas compliqué skate kiss = un rêve NON

ensuite paulo était bien dans l'avion ainsi que nikki et ils seront dans l'epi 303 voilà en GROS ^^

edit :
ginger101 asks: If not a dream, is the Skate kiss a hallucination, pray tell?
Spoiler: Kristin_Veitch replies: No.

jeff_emerson78 asks: HI Kristin, although we would miss that you are getting married you can afford to lose your job and live off your husband. Now take some risks and GIVE US SOME LOST SCOOP!!!
Kristin_Veitch replies: Oh my god. You're right! Then I'll just tell you that Jack dies on Lost, Keith kills Vinnie on VM, McDreamy and McVet do the nasty, and weddings don't pay for themselves. Hee.

uk asks: In Lost, where do the others live and will jack, sawyer and kate be ok?
Kristin_Veitch replies: The Others live on the island of Oahu – well, most of them anyway, assuming they’re series regulars like Michael Emerson and …. (oops, almost gave that *other series regular Other away!). And I’m well aware that is not what you’re asking, but that is what I can divulge without forcing Damon Lindelof to leave his beautiful newborn son’s side to hunt me down and kill me. (Nobody wants Daddy to go to jail now, do they?) As for Jack, Sawyer and Kate – it’s gonna be ugly for them for a good while, and Sawyer (in my humble and always right opinion – imhaaro) gets the *worst of it. Jack comes in second. Then Kate.
Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad vont leur fait quoi ? on sait suite à l'epi 301
episode 301:
mais alalalala Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad pk sawsaw en premier pardon mais mon côté sawyer fan re Crying or Very sad

tbriscoe asks: "Locke will take a fa..." what? It cut off.
Kristin_Veitch replies: fall that leads him to Boone.

lostaway123 asks: Are the Are the first 5 minutes of LOST as great as the promos are trying to make them sound?
Kristin_Veitch replies: No. And I tell you this so you'll be pleasantly surprised. Mwahahaha

edit 2 : résumé du 302 dans le tv guide

Henry Gale makes Jack an offer he may not be able to refuse... especially as Kate and Sawyer are faced with a fate worse than back-burner story lines.
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyMer 4 Oct - 2:17

voilà ^^ et voilà le translate

Evi: I've not been this excited about the show since the pilot.
Evi: Kate's definitely going to lean one way or the other.
Evi: I don't have a preference. It's like choosing between your big brother or your little brother, you know?
Reporter: Which one's the big brother?
Evi: I'm not going there.
JH: Why is it her decision? What if she says, "I choose you and I go, oh, that's all right. I'm busy."
JH: Sawyer's a fun weekend, Jack's the keeper.
Naveen: I'd choose Sawyer.
Evi:Choose is kind of an ambiguous word. I lean. I lean one way.
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyMer 4 Oct - 10:21


Citation :
The shadowy Others take charge on 'Lost'
By William Keck, USA TODAY
OAHU, Hawaii — Who are The Others, and what do they want with Jack?
It's the most precarious predicament looming over Lost as the hit ABC drama that is averaging 15 million viewers a week returns tonight (9 ET/PT) for a third season of island mystery and adventure.

This balmy August day, star Matthew Fox (Jack) is seated in his trailer, having just wrapped an emotionally draining season-premiere scene, another pre-plane-crash flashback with his character's former wife, Sarah (Julie Bowen).

The earlier part of Fox's week was spent shooting island scenes of being trapped like a mouse by The Others, the treacherous tribe so far portrayed as dirty, barefooted, heavily armed hillbillies. He'll spend much of his time under control of The Others before the series goes on hiatus after a Nov. 8 cliffhanger, then returns in February.

Despite his character's fragile mental state, Fox, 40, can crack a smile. Sprouting whiskers he intends to grow into a heavier beard as his character remains in captivity, Fox says, "I honestly think it's going to be the best year yet. I can tell by the way the producers are talking about the year ahead that the show's going to do a lot of things it hasn't done.

"And philosophically, it's going to touch on some cool issues."

After spending much of last season down in a gloomy hatch pressing a button to stave off a cataclysm, Jack now will see his buttons pushed by The Others. "The Others specifically want something from Jack," says Fox, adding that his character will be on the verge of losing his mind. "Jack is somebody who is obsessed about his need to control situations, and suddenly somebody else is pushing the buttons."

The situation will be a challenge for all the crash survivors who were captured, executive producer Carlton Cuse says. "Each of the characters has their own experience in captivity. They have to restart their lives again in a brand new society. Jack doesn't know where he is or what's happened to Kate (Evangeline Lilly) and Sawyer (Josh Holloway). He doesn't even know if they're alive."

Throughout Season 2, the muddied faces of The Others began revealing themselves through the jungle's heavy brush.

But hints along the way, such as Kate's discovery of fake beards, costumes and makeup in a locker, indicated that their villainous ways were not as they seemed.

Michael Emerson portrays the crafty Other who assumed the identity of Henry Gale as he taunted Jack and Locke (Terry O'Quinn) as their captive last season. Now a series regular, Emerson reminds viewers to heed the foreshadowing line his character spoke to Michael (Harold Perrineau) in the season finale: "We're the good guys."

"Not only does he believe that, but it's probably true," Emerson says.

Dressing for success

Tonight, The Others will unveil their new fall wardrobe. And don't expect them to be living in what producers dubbed "Yurtville" — that primitive community of skin tents where Michael was reunited with Walt and that was discovered abandoned by Sayid (Naveen Andrews) in the finale.

"The viewers will be introduced to a surprising, civilized new setting. It appears we've been on the island a long, long time," Emerson teases.

When it comes to revealing specific plot points, the cast and producers turn evasive. They're hoping to re-create the "holy mackerel" moment achieved in last season's opener when the contents of the island's hatch were revealed: A man, Desmond, was living in a souped-up subterranean apartment. "The first five minutes of Season 3 we really think is going to blow people's minds," Cuse says. "I think we have come up with something that is compelling and surprising."

Adds Holloway: "It's so awesome. It's epic. ... They're using part of an existing set and adding on to it. The location is so secluded and gives you a feeling of isolation, which is the magic of the show."

As the season progresses, island flashbacks will provide viewers with more information on the actions of The Others since the crash of Flight 815. "One of the things we're exploring this year is how we tend to objectify people in society that we don't know anything about," Cuse says. "We start to see what the world might look like from The Others' point of view and what their view of our people might be."

Says Fox: "For two seasons, the audience and these characters have vilified these mysterious Others. In one fell swoop, we're going to be thrust into 180-degree switch of perspective in looking at the situation from their point of view."

Humanity and love?

Emerson, who shares scenes in the premiere with Lilly's Kate, says Henry will become more humanized by revealing his true name (a name "I never would have chosen," he says). And he'll be involved in a romance of sorts. In fact, he says, "themes of seduction and rejection will predominate this year."

It may be no coincidence that Jack, Sawyer and Kate, the players in one of TV's hottest love triangles, ended up on The Others' most-wanted list. "The love story is a part of it," Cuse says. "The Others have been observing our characters, and (the three) will be pretty surprised to discover that."

But the love triangle that launched almost right from the series debut soon will crumble when Kate chooses between Sawyer and Jack, and Jack meets the mysterious Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell).

Like so much on Lost, the newcomer's name is no coincidence. Shakespeare's Juliet, one of literature's greatest romantic figures, fell in love with a handsome member of an opposing clan.

Already conceptualizing a long run for Juliet, Cuse says, "It will be really compelling when we get her first flashback story and find out who she was off the island."

Though Fox acknowledges Jack still has feelings for both Kate ("on some deep level") and ex-wife Sarah ("you'll see that unresolved stuff with Sarah put to bed"), he is looking forward to seeing whether Jack and Juliet evolve into a great love story.

"The circumstances in which these two people meet are far from romantic," he says. "But what she brings into Jack's world creates an interesting vibration."

Eager to return to his real island family — wife Margherita, their daughter, Kyle, 9, and son, Byron, 4 — Fox exits his trailer, thankful that his own captivity has ended for another day. He immediately is intercepted by a production assistant who hands him a sealed envelope with the next top-secret Lost script. Slapping the envelope, the sly Fox looks over his shoulder and teases, "Wouldn't you like to see this?"

question à ausiello
Question: I'd like to offer you a trade: some shiny new Lost scoop in exchange for my grade-A, 100 percent genuine, completely unblemished immortal soul. Whaddaya say?— Sun Jester
Ausiello: Throw in a pint of Cake Batter-flavored Tasti D-Lite and a $100 gift card to Best Buy and you've got yourself a deal! Just kidding — I'm not allowed to accept gifts in exchange for scoop unless you send the gifts to me at home and don't tell anyone. Now, as I bragged informed you in the Ausiello Report, I've already seen tonight's season premiere and you guys are in for a treat of epic proportions. The episode was fraktastic. Damon Lindelof and J.J. Abrams' script was jam-packed with thrills, chills, twists and turns aplenty, and Matthew Fox delivered what, IMHO, was an Emmy-clinching performance. Seriously, the gold statue is his to lose. And while we're at it, let me also extend mad props to the underrated Julie Bowen, who was handed the Herculean task of uttering the single most heartbreaking line of dialogue this TV season — and she knocked it outta the park. I have 16 sopping-wet Kleenex to prove it.
Question: What can you tell us about where the Others are living? And where are Kate, Jack and Sawyer being held captive? I s it predictable? Astounding? Give us something, please!— Mike B.
Ausiello: First off, nothing about the episode is predictable, particularly where the Others are concerned. In fact, I'll go so far as to say your perception of the creepy outcasts will be completely shattered within the first five minutes. I should also point out that one of the show's three newbies is featured very prominently tonight, and let's just say this rookie made an extremely favorable impression on me. (Best. Casting. Decision. Ever.) And as I mentioned in AR, a grilled cheese sandwich also gets a good deal of airtime, as does a very familiar-looking dude named Ben. Oh, and one more thing: we get introduced to the island's first openly gay character. At least I'm 95 percent sure we do. Keep your ears attuned (and turn your gaydar on) right around the time Kate steps foot in the shower. That's when the telltale clue gets dropped.
Question: We've seen in the previews that Jack opens a door and then water comes gushing out. Is this another hatch? Is this particular scene in the premiere?— Mary
Ausiello: It's a five-letter word that starts with H, but it's not "hatch." And yes, that particularly scene is in the premiere
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyMer 4 Oct - 20:14

ben dis donc kate encore un haut Laughing et sawyer et kate qui appellent jack on a l'impression qu'ils l'ont pas vu depuis longtemps et juliet en doc o_O eh ben je me demande bien ce qu'ils vont nous faire et pov sawyer qui va le tabasser
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Ba t'es où? : Ch'ui là! ^^
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyMer 4 Oct - 20:34

Ahhh mdrr le pauvre! Il va encore avoir mal! Pourquoi il le font souffrir??? Er Jack alors? Pourquoi il est pas blesser lui???

Hum...Question j'ai pas bien compris les paroles de Josh à la fin il parle de Kate non?
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyMer 4 Oct - 22:33

on lui demande pour le choix de kate et il demande qu'on stoppe il en a marre lol!
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Ba t'es où? : Ch'ui là! ^^
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyMer 4 Oct - 22:39

Ah ok mdrr j'me disais aussi! Razz
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptySam 7 Oct - 19:46

on lui demande encore pour le choix et il dit qu'il en a marre lol!

résumé du 304

"Sawyer discovers how far his captors will go to thwart his and Kate's escape plans; Jack must scrub up to save an Other's life; Desmond's behavior perplexes the survivors when he starts constructing an unknown device."

en gros sawyer découvre que son plan pour s'échapper avec kate est compromis. jack joue les doc pour sauver la vie d'une other et desmond fabrique quelque chose qui rend perplexe les survivants
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyLun 9 Oct - 21:02

cast pour le 304

Its on page 16 of the pdf file.

Guest Stars:

Mr. Friendly
Ian Gomez as Munson
Bill Duke as Warden Harris
Ariston Green as Jason
Dustin Geiger as Matthew
Kim Dickens as Cassidy
Dorian Burns as Prison Guard
Peter Ruocco as Agent Freedman

edit voilà le chat de kristin Very Happy c'est son dernier Sad

ginger101 asks: I thought you said Kate was on an exam table? Still think she was raped?

Kristin_Veitch replies: In the initial script, when we first saw Kate, she was on an examining table. And honestly, that second part was just a wild (and wildly inappropriate) guess. I'm sure it's something else.

kristin: jackandkatefan1, well, i'm not sure what your preference is (hee) but, honestly, I would guess that somethign will happen with those two but not anytime soon


angelgirlla asks: Are Jate lovers going to be devestated with these upcoming six episodes?
Kristin_Veitch replies: Um, you're not gonna be happy


Kristin_Veitch: juli236, I only know up to episode 4, and up till that episode EVERYTHING is very much SKATE.

yay pour missa Very Happy
Spoiler: What epi was the confession in?

kristin: the crazy kate/sawyer stuff happens in eps 3 and 4
on pense qu'elle sait trompé avec l'inversion des epis Wink

falsechameleon asks: NO !!! Since this is the last Chat, I demand some spoilers on LOST!

Kristin_Veitch replies: In this week’s episode, we get to see the other Losties back in the main camp – whee! Locke falls out of a tree, and is on the hunt for Eko’s stick (aren’t we all? And yes, that is what I mean) and Eko himself. (Don’t forget the hatch went kablooey and SexAAA is missing!) That search will lead him to a smoke filled tent and a friend we knew before. Also, we’ll meet the newbies this week – Niki (Kiele Sanchez) and Paulo (Rodrigo Santoro). And the Jate lovers (I’ll have you know, I’m honestly evenly divided and want Kate to move to Utah) will be a wee bit disappointed when they see the answer to the reveal I gave earlier, that someone will have sex in Jack’s tent.

valincin asks: Any dish on Lost?
Kristin_Veitch replies: You saw my posting in the message boards breaking the news that Nathan Fillion is coming on board Lost, right? Well, I for one am over the moon about that golden little casting nugget – for I loved him so on Firefly and Buffy. Anyway, I’m told Nathan is on his way out to Hawaii very soon, and he’ll be shooting at least two episodes, working solely alongside Evangeline Lilly in a flashback. I don’t want to give away who he’s playing, but many of you did figure it out based on the hint I gave you in the pos

ça a coupé comme d'hab Sad
acerp asks: Olá Kristin! Just wanted to tell you that saturday will start the 1st season of Veronica Mars in Portugal and i trust in your taste so i'll watch it. Now Lost Question what's up with Sun's episodes. I hope it will be good cause last season i didn't liked her episodes...
Kristin_Veitch replies: Obrigada. Veronica e bom! As for Lost, Sun has BIG STUFF coming up -- you saw the gunshots and her falling down in the promo, right? Well, that's not exactly what it seems, but it is a pivotal plot point. Plus, we'll get more backstory from Jin and Sunthat is very revealing and shows an interesting connection between Jin and someone else close to Sun.

ktpez asks: The last chat!? Say it isn't so : ( I have come for a couple of years now and it's been great, Kristin! How about I get one last little question answered? I just heard one of my favorite Deadwood actresses is coming to Lost! What can you tell us about the character of Colleen, played by Paula Malcomsin?

Kristin_Veitch replies: I'm told zee plan (though haven't seen it in a script or ep) was for her to be of the Other variety ... We'll see if that's true! But one thing's for sure: Those Lost producers know what they're doing when it comes to casting, no? I want to live inElizabeth Mitchell's eyes. Did I just say that? Yes, I did.
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyMar 10 Oct - 18:58

tournage du 306 un peu d'infos

Citation :
the lost crew was filming in makiki today down the street from my apartment. they were at a church doing what could only be a kate-centric falshback. evangeline was wearing a gorgeous white satin strapless wedding gown and i saw her enter the church while i was waiting at a bus stop adjacent to the church. (she looked at me and smiled! OMG it was awesome, haha). annyways, then she came out and sipped some hot tea while there was a double standing at the alter with a veil over her face but i could not see the groom from where i was. there were only about 12 extras who appeared to be there as present for the wedding. most of them appeared to be in their 60s, there was one young yoman, all of them were white. later when i got back from school there were filming a scene involving a miami dale (i think) cop car with yellow and green details which was parked outside the church. i may be wrong but the cop in the driver's seat sure looked a lot like ethan. i wanted to stick around for more but the real cops were getting annoyed because the group of onlookers was getting larger. but yup, kate has a wedding, it takes place in florida, and there is a cop involved in the ordeal. this totally made my day awesome.
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyMer 11 Oct - 11:30

wow !!

Question: Are you a Jater or a Skater?— David M. Bernal
Ausiello: After watching last week's premiere, I'm officially a Skater. But that's mostly because I want to see Jack and Juliet (Jackliet?) bump nasties. Elizabeth Mitchell is a frakkin' goddess.

:lapin: juju/jack powa Very Happy
Question: In the name of Papa Smurf, please confirm reports that Nathan Fillion has been cast on Lost!— Cindy
Ausiello: It's true, which surprises me since it was first reported by my frienemy over at E! (I kid, I kid.) As I understand it, Nathan will appear in Kate's flashback episode, airing on Nov. 8, and will have a "strong" connection to our favorite female felon. BTW, next week we get to see Desmond naked! Yikes!

on sait pas son rôle, certain pense que c'est le mari de kate, d'autre un flic on sait pas pour le moment sinon j'ai oublié l'autre jour, mais extra avait fait deux autres parties Embarassed j'ai vu hier soir Embarassed

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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptySam 14 Oct - 15:44

résumé du 305

A delirious Eko wrestles with past demons; some of the castaways go to the Pearl station to find a computer they can use to locate Jack, Kate and Sawyer; Jack does not know who to trust when two of the Others are at odds with each other
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyLun 16 Oct - 0:07

yayyyyyyyy voilà le nouveau system de kristin


Please, I'm begging you, great and divine goddess, give us a little tiny hint on whether Kate chooses the con or the doc on Lost ?
-- CreamPuff

It’s kinda sorta a little obvious, no? Sorry, I know many of you fans don’t want to hear that! But it’s the truth. Feel free to vent your frustrations in the comments below, my loves.

Aaaeeeggghhh! I was apprehensive, I was sweaty, but boom chaka laka, I love the new site! It's grrrreat! Now, please tell me there will be more kissing Sawyer...
--Jen, Chicago

Thank you! I'm so glad to hear that. And of course there's more kissing. Who can resist fish biscuit breath?!
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyLun 16 Oct - 23:05

résumé pour le 304

Citation :
: Sawyer and Kate try to escape from the "Others" and head back to camp, but their plan is quickly foiled. Sawyer is left perplexed at the lengths in which the "Others" are going in order to keep the couple there. Meanwhile, Desmond becomes the center of attention on the beach when the castaways worry about his odd behavior. They also begin to wonder about mysterious device he is trying to build. Lastly, flashbacks reveal more about Sawyer's past.

Spoilers - Page 3 EMFHdescription

ça rejoint la même chose mais bon je poste ce que je trouve Smile enjoy Smile
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyMar 17 Oct - 20:46

Here are the key highlights from the latest podcast.

- Claire and Charlie will be involved in another 'famous Lost triangle.' on change de triangle alors Laughing allez qui prend les paris ! locke/pb&j ? pb&j/des ? pb&j/hurley ? pb&j/paulo ? Laughing
- The Flame Station will be found this season.
- Shannon will be back in flashbacks cool ^^ sha le re
- Further Instructions does not reveal the cause of Lockes accident oh merde Sad je voulais savoirrrrrr
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyMer 18 Oct - 13:28

spoiler d'ausiello
Question: I love Juliet on Lost. Elizabeth Mitchell is frakkin' fantastic. However, I heard that she was only gonna appear in the first six episodes. Please tell me this isn't true!— Matt
Ausiello: Wow, someone gave you some really bad information. Ms. Mitchell is committed to Lost for the entire season, so you'll definitely be seeing her when the show returns in the winter. In fact, I just found out that Episode 7 — the first one back after the break — is a Juliet flashback. Now for some bad news: Like every other Lost cast member, Ms. Mitchell will be sitting out a few episodes this season — beginning with tonight's Locke-centric outing. Sigh

edit : Question: Have you heard any news on whether Cynthia Watros will be returning to Hawaii for Lost flashbacks anytime soon?— Andy
Ausiello: No firm plans at the moment, but I'd be gobsmacked if it doesn't happen.

Spoiler: Question: When will we see Penny again on Lost? Is she really trying to find Desmond?— Kristen
Ausiello: We won't see her again until after the break.

spoiler de kristin

More Lost! Please!


Don’t be surprised if episode 8 is all about Charlie. Casting notices just went out for two Brits. Both of them are male, and one of them is a “charismatic” university professor. Hmmm…Also, in tonight’s episode you get the answer to that Tease-o-Rama item that “Eko is abducted by a polar bear.” I think you’ll be surprised!
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyJeu 19 Oct - 20:43

Sawyer will flash back, and we’ll learn something about his role in this world.
Sawyer is going to have a very bad day (as you saw from the promo), and Kate will be mostly clueless as to why.
Jack will start to play Julia. (No, there is not a “with” missing there.)
Niki will talk to Desmond. (If it doesn't get cut out.)
Henry will have a bizarre reveal to Sawyer that, if true, will change what we know about Lost island.
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptySam 21 Oct - 17:53

Spoiler: Episode: I Do
Jack makes a decision regarding Ben's offer; Kate feels helpless when it looks like Pickett is going to make good on his threat to kill Sawyer; Locke discovers a hidden message that may help unlock the island's secrets

affraid affraid picket veut le tuerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr affraid
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Date d'inscription : 27/08/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyDim 22 Oct - 17:55

NON!!! affraid confused affraid
C'est pas possible! No Sawyer est trop important et intéressant comme personnage! Sad Mais il va pas mourir, c'est pas possible Evil or Very Mad Et puis la pauvre Kate penses que Jack va pouvoir faire quelque chose Exclamation Question scratch
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyLun 23 Oct - 12:36

je pense qu'il va pas mourir tkt pas Wink la prod ferait une belle connerie là ^^
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyLun 23 Oct - 23:05

JACK MAKES A DECISION ABOUT BEN’S OFFER, AND KATE FEARS THAT PICKETT MAY MAKE GOOD ON HIS THREAT TO KILL SAWYER, ON ABC’S “LOST” “I Do” – Jack makes a decision regarding Ben’s offer, Kate feels helpless when it looks like an angry Pickett is going to make good on his threat to kill Sawyer, and Locke discovers a hidden message that may guide him through the next steps of his journey to unlocking the secrets of the island, on “Lost,” WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 (9:00-10:01 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. “Lost” stars Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Mr. Eko, Naveen Andrews as Sayid, Henry Ian Cusick as Desmond, Emilie de Ravin as Claire, Michael Emerson as Ben, Matthew Fox as Jack, Jorge Garcia as Hurley, Josh Holloway as Sawyer, Daniel Dae Kim as Jin, Yunjin Kim as Sun, Evangeline Lilly as Kate, Elizabeth Mitchell as Juliet, Dominic Monaghan as Charlie and Terry O’Quinn as Locke. Guest starring are Kiele Sanchez as Nikki, Rodrigo Santoro as Paulo, M.C. Gainey as Mr. Friendly, Tania Raymonde as Alex, Michael Bowen as Pickett, Nathan Fillion as Kevin, Eden-Lee Murray as Suzanne, Mark Stitham as minister and Frederic Lane as the marshal. “I Do” was written by Damon Lindelof & Carlton Cuse and directed by Tucker Gates

je sais j'ai déjà posté mais c'est pour signalé que le marshall est de retour
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyMar 24 Oct - 10:54

Posté le: Mar Oct 24, 2006 08:41 Sujet du message:


ce que j'aime ma queennnnnnnnnnnnnnnn (LK)

Though I spent this past Monday twitching from chat withdrawals, I really do love the new site! My Q: On Lost , is Kate's "love confession" distinct from her notorious "choice?" Or are the two things one and the same?
—Leah Kate
From what I’ve heard, it is one and the same. Though I’m only 99 percent sure on that, given how things have been changing from the script! Don’t forget that I’ll be watching this Wednesday’s Lost with you (at 9 p.m. Pacific Time) on the message boards. And ooh, mama, it’s a crazy episode! Not only do you see the most dramatic exchange between Kate and any man ever on this show (hint: It is a life-or-death love confession), but you can expect the following happenings:
An animal “dies”
An Other dies
Sawyer has a heart-wrenching storyline
Sawyer finds his Westmoreland and someone else very close to him
We find out Juliet and Jack have one very big thing in common

je le savais bien que le choix c'était dans le 304 mais consommation => 306 je veux le 304 !!!!!!!!!! pardon

animal mort le lapin (enfin je pense)
other mort colleen
c'est quoi la storyline de sawsawwwwwwwwwwwwww
c'est quoi westmoreland :s
et c'est quoi le point commun de juju et jack !!!

edit : c'est ptet en rapport avec PB
Westmoreland is a character on Prison Break. He is believed to be the real DB Cooper, this is strictly for the PB though. On the show he buried 5 million dollars somewhere in Utah, he has a daughter who is dying and he breaks out of prison to go and see her. And it seems that the death of the bunny is a con like we already figured

edit 2 : et si westmoreland c'était lié au vrai sawyer tiens !
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 3 EmptyMar 24 Oct - 16:07

oh regarder c'est thathan avec juju là o_O c'est le tournage du 307

c'est marqué medial school

Juliet's FB w/Ethan...

The medical school is playing the Miami Central University's Medical Research Library. Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell) walks down the sidewalk toward the main entrance, where he spots an older, thin, white-haired gentleman in professor-ly garb (jacket, tie, leather briefcase/bag). They talk, as a Miami/Dade police car passes in the background (note previous sighting of such a police cruiser in Makiki for a Kate flashback). He starts to extract himself from the conversation, stepping back onto the street while continuing to chat with Juliet...
...and is hit by a bus. With an Apollo Bar ad on the side.

L'école médicale est joué dans la bibliothèque des recherches médicales de l'université centrale de Miami. Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell) descend le trottoir vers l'entrée principale, où elle repère un monsieur plus âgé, mince, blanc-d'une chevelure en tenue de professeur (veste, cravate, serviette en cuir/sac). Ils parlent, et une voiture de police de Miami/Dade passe dans le fond (ça ressemble à une voiture de police vu dans le fb de kate). Il commence à marcher, allant dans la rue tout en continuant à causer avec Juliet… … et il heurte un autobus. Avec une annonce de barre d'Apollo sur le véhicule...
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