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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyMer 22 Nov - 13:49

ausiello spoilers

Question: Oh, all seeing, all knowing, all scoopage-having Ausiello, lavish us with some loot on Lost. All asinine alliteration aside, I want some dangerously spoilerific scoopage.— Ben Fancher
Ausiello: I dunno how dangerous this is, but I just found out that Cheech Marin has been cast as Hurley's dad. He'll appear in the big guy's next flashback episode, slated to air Feb. 28.

Question: Could you shed any light on the rumor that Jack is going to die on Lost?— Loren
Ausiello: Listen to me closely, Loren, 'cause I'm only going to say this once: Jack is not going to die on Lost.

lizzie a fait aussi une itv au MTV ^^elle parle de jacket ^^

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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptySam 25 Nov - 3:19


Lost clue from Entertainment Weekly. December 1 issue.

How will Kate and Sawyer escape Others island?
Spoiler: The showrunners wouldn't say but exec producer Carlton Cuse allows, "You heard correctly: The Others do have a submarine".

je le savais Very Happy
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyMar 28 Nov - 0:10

nouveau spoiler

Spoilers - Page 5 Hurleysdad

itv de michael emerson

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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyMer 29 Nov - 14:53

voilà des spoilers ET rumeurs

bon un peu de spoiler

About three weeks ago, on my drive in to work, I passed the "Base Camp" in front of Bellows Airforce Base. This is an abandonded air force base in Waimanolo on Oahu. Besides a nice beach and some cabins there is a large - and abandoned air strip. Not much else. I am not sure where they were filming at exaclty - but I would bet a dollar it was the airstrip.

étrange non ?


This was given by an extra who worked the scene. Does not want to be identified for obvious reasons but I trust the source 110%. Has reliable credentials.

In the pub, Desmond is talking with a friend/business partner (?) about his recent abilities of prediction, trying to convince him that he has lived this particular moment before. The friend is a middle-eastern looking guy, don't think has anything to do with anything. The bar patrons are following a Brit football match. Des tells his friend several things will happen in a particular order, like who's making the next score, who walks through the door, and an angry patron who attacks the bartender. Des is getting very worked up because the friend isn't taking him seriously.

Finally, the moment he's insisting will happen comes. Only one of the 3 things actually happens. Des is devastated. He insists they wait and keep watching.

Ultimately, what happens is Des is really broken down by his failure. The next day, he's drowning his sorrows at the bar again, talking to the bartender. The game is on again. This time the other 2 events happen, but not the 3rd. Just as he had predicted would happen yesterday, a burly guy stalks into the pub with a cricket mallet and takes a swing at the bartender. The bartender ducks and Des takes a nasty blow to the head. THAT was not part of his premonition. Now Des is really messed up. End scene.

So take on all this is that the show is going into the quantum physics direction of parallel universes. ... did hear the phrase 'quantum physics' in their conversation


Mira is heading back to Hawaii to shoot a scene or two with Naveen very soon. She won't be in the episode a lot, but it is possible that this is a setup for future plot lines. She was originally supposed to have been there a few weeks earlier, but there was a scheduling conflict, so I'm not totally sure if she is in 10 or 11
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyMer 6 Déc - 14:23

les spoilers sont de retourrrrrrrrrrrrr^^

From Bob: You may have already seen this, but your frienemy Ausiello is saying definitively that Jack is not going to die on Lost. Fingers crossed that he's correct.
I have heard the words of my sworn frienemy, and I concur. Still, someone is gonna die!
une personne plus d'eux ? o_O

From Joanna: Any Lost scoop?
Just a little casting tidbit. They are currently casting an Australian doctor and an Australian cop for episode 12, so it looks like that episode will have an Australia flashback. Guesses? My money’s on Claire. Or Sawyer. Or Vincent.


sinon réponse à une question dans le nouveau lost mag ça fout la trouille et c'est excitant à la fois
Q from Yvonne: The whispers have always scared me and fascinated me--will they 'come back around' this season? More scary island things please!

Damon: Oh we're bringing the SCARY, Yvonne! Can't promise the whispers, but we've only just begun to peel back the most frightening aspects of the island... and trust me, the 'monster' and the Others are NOTHING compared to what ELSE is in the jungle.

edit : un peu de spoiler sur l'epi de jack enfin juste un détail mais bon
So, I just finished watching E!'s Daily 10 and they had a quick snippet on Bai Ling and how she "appears in 3 episodes" of Lost and first appears in a Jackback and plays some "mysterious...blah, blah blah"--didn't catch the rest b/c I was still in shock that she would be appearing in 3 episodes. Granted, "appears in 3 episodes" could really mean "signed for 3 episodes" for the reason that Untitled said:

The majority of major guest stars who appear in flashbacks are tapped so that they can be recurring if need be.

They also quoted Bai Ling as saying that "Matthew Fox is a very good kisser." So, I guess something does go on in that alley where Jack supposedly follows her down.

plus spoiler de ausiello

Question: Mama Smurf is begging for some juicy Lost prattle!— Brenda
Ausiello: Time to update your flashback scorecards: Episode 11 is Sayid, and Episode 12 is Claire
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyMer 6 Déc - 18:58

foxy dit qu'il tourne pas en ce moment dans lost il tournera que l'an proch apparement
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyMar 12 Déc - 12:43
photos tournage epi 311
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyMer 13 Déc - 4:37

Bai Ling la nouvelle femme dans la vie de jack dans son futur fb parle de sa relation avec jacko

The Feb. 7 return of Lost is still a long way off, but a boatload of spoilers from Bai Ling should help tide us over, right? The China-born beauty guests on three upcoming eps of the show, and here she talks about her character's complicated flashback relationship with Matthew Fox's Jack—and precisely what it was like hitting the sheets with Señor Foxy. Meow!

We've got to talk about all things Lost!
Work was a joy. Everyone in the production was so generous, humble and kind. I felt like I was very welcomed by them! Mostly, I worked with Matthew Fox. The three episodes I have, it's very deep. My character says, "I can see who people are."

What can you tell us about your relationship with Jack? What exactly are you going to be doing?
You never know, I might come back. They say on the show they bring people back even when they're dead. I am a very important character in his life; like, his tattoos have something to do with me.

I know you said he was a great kisser.
It was funny, when we were shooting the scene, we didn't know each other. He is very handsome and very kind—very much a gentleman. It's kind of nervous doing those love scenes, but it was really fun, [even though] I was kind of embarrassed. We both had a mutual understanding to just go for it. Sometimes I'm on top of him, sometimes he's on top of me. I asked him, "Can I do what I want?" and he said, "Sure, you can do whatever you want." I didn't want to offend him, but after he said that I went with what I felt.

Can you give us a character name?
Achara, a-c-h—I don't know how to spell it. It's a name I had never heard; it was hard for me to pronounce. But, you know, what is funny about my part...she seduces him, and she's really forward, and she behaves the way she wants, which is really beautiful. It's very healthy and honest and very powerful, in a way.

So, what's the backstory?
We're lovers, but I am kind of a mystery to him. He doesn't really know me. I don't allow him to visit me, I don't allow him to know what I really do—we're together, we sleep together, we hang out together, we're lovers. And there is a mystery, he never knows what I do. There is also a psychological twist and betrayal.

Are you contracted to do any episodes outside of the three?
No, they haven't now, but they are going to see. Hopefully, I come back. I want to, because Lost is a really fun project. I think it is a lot better than the movies I have done. The writing is beautiful, and you really get to know the characters, and not just on the surface, which I really appreciate.

j'ai un autre spoiler selon foxy qui a parlé récemment à la prod, l'epi 312 est un épi extraordinaire qui nous apprend quelque chose et on sait c l'epi de claire dc ça doit être lié à jack je pense pour qu'il sache quelque chose...



[SPOILER]Eps. #313 features two homicide detectives from Orange County. Hmmm. I'm sorry I don't know who-centric it is.
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyJeu 14 Déc - 22:09

bon un spoiler un vrai
sur le fuselage jack bender a dit qu'il va faire un nouvel epi sur locke et ça serait le 313 Smile enfin on va savoir pour son handicap
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptySam 16 Déc - 2:00

cuse a parlé dans un mag de kate

Is there any one of the characters who you'd like to crack open a little more and delve even further into what makes them tick?

I think that Kate is going to really be an interesting character this year because she is going to finally make a romantic choice and a commitment. This is a character who has been very afraid of commitment. I'm very excited to see the journey of that character this season. I think that Evangeline [Lilly] is really just blossoming as an actor. I'm very excited about what we have planned for her.

en gros il dit que kate est effrayé depuis toujours par l'engagement et que ça sera vraiment excitant de voir son caractère cette saison étant donné qu'elle s'est engagé romantiquement avec sawyer, il dit que evie fait du bon boulot comme acteur

il paraitrait que c'est un lieu de tournage pour un futur epi de lost

Spoilers - Page 5 DSC00954
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyVen 22 Déc - 0:40


In episode 7:

Spoiler: Jack is in command, as the fate of one of The Others' lives rests in his hand. Meanwhile, Kate and Sawyer find an ally in one of The Others, and Juliet makes a shocking decision that could endanger her standing with her people. Also...We'll be seeing William Mapother as Ethan. We'll also be seeing more of Alex (Tania Raymonde) and Karl (Blake Bashoff), the kid who was Sawyer's cage buddy for a short time early in the season. He's alive!

In future eps...

Spoiler: The Widmores pop up in the Feb. 14 episode, which is called "Flashes Before Your Eyes" and involves Hurley and Charlie trying to figure out why Desmond has been acting so weird since the hatch went blooey. Crazy Frenchwoman Rousseau (Mira Furlan), meanwhile, is back on Feb. 28. That episode will also have Hurley finding a junked car -- for reals, that's what it says -- on the island.

J'ai hâte de voir hurley ac sa voiture
Laughing rourou le re Very Happy Razz
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyVen 22 Déc - 4:01

c'est la fille qui bosse pour spoilerfix Wink c'est fiable
mattyd1988 said: was matthew fox telling the truth when he said that jack has been killed off LOST?

LOST: Kristin from E! says that Matthew Fox told her he was not on the show anymore and that Jack was getting killed off. Kristin did say that he may have been pulling her leg. I personally think he is as I just read a recent interview where Foxy says he is tired of people asking him if he is leaving the show to focus on movies instead and that he would be fine if they killed his character at the end of Season 3 but that he would like to stay on. Now who is saying the truth? POLL TIME!

LOST POLL RESULTS: Most people here say that Foxy is not leaving the show. That's what most sources say too.

Izzy's other Lost spoilers:

Spoiler: Hsolo429 said: Originally I had heard that Bai Ling would be in three episodes of Lost, but then I heard from somewhere else that she would only be in the one Jack flashback. So is it three or one? Also, is it true that this is the last Jack flashback of the season?

LOST: According to some sources: It is indeed the last Jack flashback of the season as they will give the other characters who didn't have flashbacks this season their moment in the spotlight. At first she was set to be in 1. Maybe when she was in Hawaii they signed her for 3. Meaning that she will be in 2 other Jack flashbacks airing next season OR that she will pop in flashbacks of other characters?

eringolub said: In Lost are Michel and Walt going to be back? Any scoop as to where they were?

LOST: They are not set to be back this season. I'm not sure they will be back next season since fans aren't really missing them. We are wondering if they made it safely to shore but other than that...

lizziefitz said: Is Lost coming back before February 7?

LOST: Sadly, no Wink
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyVen 29 Déc - 0:16

interview de damon
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyMer 3 Jan - 12:40

: Question: Damon and Carlton said that after the break there would be a "character bomb" within the first three episodes, and a "game changer" shortly thereafter. Can you shed some light?— Jason M. Wolf
Ausiello: Word on the street is the "character bomb" is not Juliet-related. And I have no clue about the game changer. (Send any/all tips to

j'ai peur pour locke ac ca Sad

darkufo a eu qqs infos

. Apparently Locke will fight the smoke monster in Episode 13.
. Paulo isn't who he seems and will make a startling reveal.
. Jack will be missing for a whole 3 episodes.
. Oh and The Others submarine is called the Galaga.
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyJeu 4 Jan - 13:29

un peu de new Very Happy

Spoilers - Page 5 LostTVGuideJanuary8

kristin spoiler

Sad news for Lost fans: Claire and her man are apparently over.

No, not Charlie, silly heads. (Dominic Monaghan is still hot and heavy with Evangeline Lilly.)

I'm talking about real life here, unfortunately. Claire actress Emilie de Ravin and her hubby of six months, 25-year-old actor Josh Janowicz (the "hot priest" in Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle), have officially called it quits, according to her publicist. Pretty sad, no?

The good news? Well, it pertains to what's happening on screen, my tubers, and it's a wee bit spoileriffic, so read only if you want to know...

Sources tell me that when Lost returns next month, Charlie and Claire Spoiler: will be zooming toward bona fide coupledom (can I get an amen?) and getting far more screen time than they did in the first six episodes (can I get a happy Snoopy dance?).

Also, a little casting news just broke regarding Lost's episode 13, which, by all accounts, appears to be a Spoiler: Locke flashback. Producers are casting the following: two O.C. homicide cops, a "firm" government employee, a 20-something likeable Caucasian guy, a "strong" and "likeable" African-American guy and a partridge in a pear tree.

Can't wait! I want my Lost back.
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptySam 6 Jan - 1:25

SAM is back Very Happy

New character, begins #317 until end of season. Female, mid 20's to 30. Tough, fit, very intelligent. Not American.

ça sent la mort d'un perso remplaçait là...
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyLun 8 Jan - 19:01

I was just over on TWOP, and a poster there says that there is an extended promo where Desmond saysSpoiler: ..."No matter what I try to're going to die."

Speculation (on the fuse) is that he's Spoiler: talking to Charlie.
And they're also apparently speculating that Spoiler: he could be talking "you're" as in just Charlie or "you're" as in Charlie and Claire.


interview de michael emerson et il dit qu'il tournera ptet quelques scénes avec terry Very Happy

Crave Online: On that second island, do you miss the cast you worked with last year like Naveen Andrews and Terry O'Quinn?

Michael Emerson: Yeah, it's funny, working on a show with as large a cast as we have here, your work gets sort of compartmentalized. There's still about half the cast that I've never had a scene with but I have missed working with Terry. I think there might be something coming up where we get to do some scene work together.

interview de michael emerson je l'ai pas écouté pour le moment mais on dit qu'il pense que charlie sera le prochain....


The brazillian actor Rodrigo Santoro might abandon the tv show on it's third season, the same in which he joined the cast. He spoke about his quick 'stay' on the show, in an interview published on the magazine Rolling Stone Brasil.

Rodrigo tells us that his character, Paulo, is probably dying before the end of the third season. "It's not like i don't give a caesar salad about the show, this is a wonderful opportunity. I would like to be in LOST a bit more, but right now I'm more turned towards movie projects." he says in the interview.

Still according to the same magazine, Rpdrigo's last scenes should be filmed this month. "If they have some crazy idea that allows me to come back in the future, there is a chance" he ponders.

In the US, the tv show is returning for it's 3rd series on Feb 7, with 16 new episodes. This season was divided in two stages, and the first was resumed on Nov 8 (*)

The second season of LOST will be aired by Globo from FEb 5 on, after the GloboNews.

Shocked biquette va ptet mouru
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyMar 9 Jan - 2:52

voilà l'itv de mchael bien retranscrite pour tlm Smile

They talk about what happened after the Ben/Kate breakfast.
- He says he thinks the breakfast was done, there was nothing more to it than what we have seen.

Q from listener: Have you or any of the others ever encountered the smokemonsters.
- There hasn't been anything on the show yet that the others did not know.

Something's going on between Ben & Juliet.
Q: Do you see Juliet and Ben on the same level, or are you really her boss?
- I'm thinking that there is a kind of tension between them, but it isn't a mutual tension. That maybe somebody liked sombody but the feeling didn't get returned.

Than they're talking about Jacobs list and who he is.
- He says that 'if your question is that if there is a person on the planet that holds more cards than Ben does, than the answer is yes.'

They talk about the 8 on the rabbit is a short story from Steven King - or something.

Next question is if there's a parallel between the book they talked about, and Sawyer. As in: will Sawyer be taking care of someone too? (In the book it's two brothers and one of them is handicapt).
- Didn't really give an answer but they kinda said that everything has a reason on this show.

They also said that nobody is ever really truly dead, and that every dead person will probably return in a FB at some point.

They also talk about the idea that Locke might have special powers, and that this is why he is on this mission he is on.

Than they talk about the deaths, and that they know there's more coming.
- He says it's ment to create a sort of vacuum of power, or the power in other people's hands (maybe even characters we haven't met)

Any idea on who's next?
- I'm worried about.. Charlie a little bit, only because..

Than he stops cause he's not sure of what is allready aired and what isn't..

Now he says "what if the others are near to human, but, just a little different. Why do they seem unnaturally strong, and why do they seem unwilling to leave the island?"

Q from Jay & Jack from the lost podcast () : A lot of people believe that Alex is Ben's daughter, and will we find out if Ben has gotten contact or something with Rousseau..
- It kind of looks like there is a connection, and we will find out this season (you won't ask anymore in a couple of months).

Lightning round Questions (yes/no/maybe)

1: Will another main character die befor the end of this season?
- Maybe.

2: Are Nikki and Paulo important to the show?
- Maybe...I think they're going to become more important.

3: Do any of the others work directly for the Hanso foundation?
- No.

4: Has Ben really been on the island his whole life?
- Yes.

5: Will we see Walt again?
- Maybe.

Will there be interaction with the outside world?
- Yes.

Will the others interact with the outside world?
- Yes.

Were there any bio experiments on the island?
- Maybe.

Is Juliet's plot against you a part of Ben's plan?
- Maybe.

-didn't understand the other one, so I'll just spell it the way I heared-

If it's Juliet's plan only, will there be a quoe ()?
- Yes, but not for the reason you think.

Is there more than one group of others?
- Yes.

Is it a break-of part of this group?
- No.

Do you know about them?
- Yes.
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyMar 9 Jan - 12:16

SAM spoiler

Spoiler: Eps 314 features a Mr Zuckerman, a 70ish, wealthy Australian tv producer. He has many exwifes, a current wife, and a hot young girlfriend from one of his current shows.

kristin spoiler

Spoiler: 12/07 - They are currently casting an Australian doctor and an Australian cop for episode 12, so it looks like that episode will have an Australia flashback. Source: Kristin on E!Online
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyMer 10 Jan - 22:48

By way of DarkUFO: Rodrigo Santoro has opened his spoiler flapper to the press, letting slip some details some LOST fans will no doubt be celebrating over.

Seems Santoro has gone on the record stating that he will be filming a death sequence for his character Paulo this month. If memory serves, that puts Paulo's death somewhere around episode 12-14.

Santoro was a little ambivalent about it, stating he'd rather be doing movies anyways. Fans in his native Brazil will have to wait awhile to see Santoro on their screens as LOST Season Two is just now preparing to air there in February.

bon là c'est sur biquette il meurt


Citation :
Santoro dies in the comeback of "Lost"

After a pause in the middle of the 3rd season in the US, Brazilian actor might leave the series without "flashback"; actor complains about boredom in Hawaii

The actor's contract ends in January; in February, star begins to publicize the movie "300", in which the plays Persian emperor Xerxes


Rodrigo Santoro in an episode of the third season of "Lost"


Here comes "Lost". And there goes Rodrigo Santoro. When the third season of the American series finally gets to Brazilian TV in march, on AXN pay-TV channel, the actor of Globo [TV Network] will already be in the movie theatre, bald, with his face full of piercings and far from the mysterious island.
Folha found out that Santoro's contract with the presently most celebrated TV series on the planet ends in January. In February, the star will be free to start in Los Angeles the publicity season for the film "300", adaptation for the big screen of the classic of graphic novels by Frank Miller.
In the superproduction, that premieres in March in the US, Rodrigo Santoro, 31, will play Xerxes, an evil Persian emperor with bald head and about 20 (fake) rings wrinkledin his body.
In "Lost", the actor's character, Paulo, survivor of a plane crash that only appeared in action in the third season of the series, might not have a famous "flashback", the episode that shows the past life of the main leading characters before boarding the fateful flight.
Santoro is expected to get, at most, an important scene inside the plane, moments before its crash at the sinister island.
In an interview to the Brazilian issue of "Rolling Stone" magazine, that gets to newstands in the next days, Santoro says might really die before the end of the third season. Save that the creators of the series have some of their "dazzling ideas" and change the script.
To friends, Santoro would have complained about boredom and solitude, living in Hawaii. Since August, last year, when he went to live in the island where "Lost" is filmed, the moments when he's called to shoot his brief scenes aren't many. And that he wouldn't have made many friends among the cast because the rhythm of the shootings, not for him, is frenetic.
To help him, Santoro still needed to stitch up his foot, because he cut it when he was surfing.

"Lost" is going to be talked about around here and in the world even in February. On Feb. 5, Globo starts airing the second season daily, always after "Jornal da Globo" [Globo News]. In the second season, there wasn't even a sign of Santoro's presence in the series. Two days later, on February 7, in the US, the third season is resumed in its 7th episode, for Americans and the countless fans that watch the series on their computers, through the internet, anywhere on Earth.
The third season of "Lost" premiered in the US in October, last year. The official "Lost" airing in Brazil is on AXN and the third season will start from the beginning starting on March 5. Rodrigo Santoro appears only in the third episode, wearing beard and mustache, saying three short phrases. The scene is on YouTube since it was aired on American TV.
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyJeu 11 Jan - 16:51

darkufo spoiler

On Wednesday night, ABC delivered screeners of the return episode of Lost, which is to air on Feb. 7, to TV critics here in Pasadena. The disc came in an unmarked brown envelope ...

In an attached cover letter, the network says: “We kindly ask that you use your discretion in reviewing this show by not revealing any plot details that contain spoilers,” and of course I’ll respect that.
Within those confines, here’s a glimpse at the next Lost hour:

The episode begins off the island.
The line between Others and Losties is becoming increasingly blurred, rather like the racial divide that quickly crumbled in this season’s Survivor.
Episode title: “Not in Portland,” and I’m pretty sure they mean the one in Oregon.
Juliet has a sister.
First word of the episode: “Hello.”
Episode’s opening segment is action-packed, as Kate and Sawyer race through the jungle on their escape attempt. The attempt takes a few detours and even involves a hatch, though not a very big one.
The two-islands-or-one question is answered definitely.
One-liner from Sawyer: “Nice to meet ya, Sheena.”
The Others’ island could use a decent anesthesiologist -- maybe they could offer one of those “We’ll pay your tuition if you promise to practise here for five years” deals.
My boyfriend’s captive, and there’s gonna be trouble.
Now playing on Screen One at the Others Island Cineplex: an extremely weird psychedelic flick that’s pure torture to watch.
The wonderful character actor Zeljko Ivanek, who was a wicked Serb on Season One of 24, the slimy governor on Oz and a noble prosecutor on Homicide, shows up in this episode.
“The sky turned purple”: What was that all about?
Kate and Jack share a tender moment, and it’s easily the emotional highlight of the episode.

The main question with Lost has become, Is it going forward or in ever-deeper loops? This one goes forward into uncertain territory, and it makes you want to know what comes after. If you’re a viewer who has grown tired of the series’ matrushka-doll structure and are wondering whether it’s worth the bother to keep watching, I’d say yes, keep watching.
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyVen 12 Jan - 2:32

nouveau perso pour le retour de lost
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyDim 14 Jan - 15:03

hello hello new du webcast de lost cette nuit^^

alors voilà les spoilers qu'on a entendu parler

-Carlton said we will be seeing several dead characters in an upcoming episode.
-Jorge hasn't filmed any scenes with the Others.
-Locke's wheelchair will be explained soon after the season starts.
-Will learn about Jack's tattoos.
-Damon said we will learn why the Others didn't just bring in a surgeon for Ben; we will find out in the next 6-7 episodes.. They once had the ability to leave the island, but they may or may not now.
-Sawyer finds some Dharma beer in an upcoming episode.
-We will see everyone else's stories, not just J/K/S for the rest of the season.
-Elizabeth doesn't know yet if her character is good or bad.
-Damon told Daniel/Jin that he didn't know it yet but that he should raise his hand in response to the "who has killed someone" question.

vous vous rappelez le clip où cindy dis à jack qu'ils vont voir qq chose ben c'est CA

The thing everyone is there to watch (cindy and the others) is Juliette's trial.

Some of the same footage we've seen of Kate and Sawyer running. But his time we see that Pickett catches up to Sawyer on the beach and is about to shoot him...Kate runs from the jungle towards Sawyer screaming "NOOOOO!"

Ben sitting behind a desk talking to Alex. He confirms Carl is not dead and asks Alex not to call him Ben...Alex (very upset) asks if he wants her to call him "Dad" instead.

The clip of Desmond saving Claire.

There was a fast clip of some sort of game but I really couldn't make out what it was.

A clip of Skate argueing on a beach. Kate asks (very angrily) "So should I walk beside you or 10 steps behind. Sawyer turns around and says something about not taking her guilt out on him. She snaps back "we left Jack to die?" (I was moving very fast). Sawyer says 'you don't feel guilty about Jack you feel guilty about us" (or something like that...he has his angry eyebrows drawn together face on). Kate looks even more pissed grabs his arm opens her mouth to say something....and they cut to some strange dude in these glowing glasses.

plus la new promo

enjoy ! Very Happy
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Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyDim 14 Jan - 22:45

ausiello spoilers

Kiele Sanchez and Rodrigo Santoro are MIA. I hope that means what I think that means.

* It's not. An ABC rep says only full-fledged series regulars made the trip to press tour. Technically, Kiele and Rodrigo are guest stars. Eh, a boy can dream.

* Yunjin Kim claims even she doesn't know who the father of Sun's unborn baby is.

* Jack, Kate and Sawyer's time on "Others' island" is officially over at the end of Episode Six, says Damon Lindelof.

* Michael Emerson creeps me out. And I like it.

* Scoop! Carlton Cuse reveals that they're "in discussions" with the network about "picking an end-point for the show. It's always been discussed that this show will have a beginning, middle and end." Damon adds that they want to keep doing the show "as long as it's good."

* The Jack/Juliet and Claire/Charlie relationships will intensify during the final batch of episodes.

* Carlton says the point of Rodrigo and Kiele's characters will become apparent in Episode 14.

* Who does Evangeline Lilly want Kate to end up with -- Jack or Sawyer? "The obvious answer is whatever serves the story," she says. Obvious answers suck.

* Damon admits that sometimes ABC tells them to, "Answer some f---ing questions!"

Emilie de Ravin looks bored to tears.

* Carlton strongly suggests that the resolution of Heroes' "Save the cheerleader, save the world" plot didn't live up to all the hype.

* Much to his excitement, Daniel Dae Kim will start speaking more English on the show.

Scoop! Lost may air 22 consecutive episodes next season -- a-la 24.

OK, session over. Time to rush the stage for follow-ups!

edit : kristin spoilers et commentaires

TCA is here! Whoooo!

Sorry, I just get a little excited when I can put down my night-vision goggles and camo-wear, and stalk my favorite celebs in broad day light.

For you who do not know what TCA is, it stands for Television Celebrity Axtravaganza...Or, okay, really it stands for the Television Critics Association Press Tour, which is going down right now at the Ritz-Carlton (not Cuse) in Pasadena. I will be posting updates all week long with hot scoop--as soon as it breaks. (Thank you, almighty and holy new blog format!)

(Important note: If I'm posting about something, and you want a question to be asked of who I'm with, just put it in the comments section below and I'll do my best to get it in.)

Basically, at TCA, the networks each have a day to woo we reporter types with their fancy new and old shows, and new and returning stars. (And they each have a party at night.) Today is ABC and you know what that means--Matthew Fox, Josh Holloway, Patrick Dempsey. How many future hubbies can you stand? And oh, did I mention I'm looking at Foxy and Holloway RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE?

(I'll pause while you hate me...)

Truth told, Foxy, Josh and I also spent last night together (I'll let that sound salacious for the time being) and are still together this morning, because Lost is having a panel session with reporters right now.

Which reminds me, I should probably listen in, shouldn't I? But remind me later to tell you about the pregnancy on Heroes I just found out about(!!), and oh yeah, did I mention I just watched the winter premiere of Lost? We have much, much, much to discuss! Hang tight...

11:10 Update: Ooh! Love it. We just saw a great little screener with clips of past and future episodes of Lost, including a woman saying, "Been reading your tattoos. You do know what they say, don't you?" I'm assuming this has to do with Jack's tattoos, of course, as Bai Ling teased earlier to me that Jack's tattoos have something to do with her character. (Who'd a guessed it, no?) By the by, Dr. Anna Graham ran into Bai Ling at a guest suite yesterday and Bai told Dr. G that her character is not a prostitute. So, get your minds out of the gutters, you dirty birdies!

11:20: My beloved Damon L. reveals that (I'm paraphrasing here) Jack asks the questions that he thinks will be answered. People feel entitled to answers, but characters asking questions crankily is not a shout-out to fans. Meanwhile, EP Jack Bender insists that the show is about the monster inside the characters, not the monster outside of the characters.

11:40: (Criminey! Lots to report in this Lost session so I'm going to bullet format...)

* Damon: Immediately in the new episodes, "we're spinning back to the beach community."
* Josh Holloway: In terms of the plotlines, we know as actors that our work level rises and falls. [Paraphasing here!]
* Cuse: We're talking with the network about defining the endpoint of the series.
* Damon: Season three is somewhat back to season one.
* Cuse: "Jack and Juliet is something we're very interested in. Also Claire and Charlie are in a relationship." And then someone mumbled (loudly) "SEX!" (Wheee!)
* Regarding Nikki & Paolo, Carlton says: "The point of them will become very clear in episode 14." Damon says, "We get asked about the other 35 people that nothing happens to. Are they just redshirts? Are they just monster food? What has their experience been? We've introduced Nikki & Paolo, to give voice to those kind of characters."
11:50: Evie says that she doesn't get to have a preference when it comes to her love triangle. (That makes two of us, honey!)

EDITED: Because you guys asked, I looked up her (more or less) exact quote on my tape. The question was "Do you want to be with Sawyer or Jack?" She said, "Um, who do I want to end up with? [to the reporter] Who do you want me to end up with? Obviously the answer is 'what serves the story 'and I think it was really witty when [Disney head honcho] Bob Iger mentioned the other day to us that at the end of Moonlighting the show ended because he brought his two main characters together. So, uh, I think that the writers have a very tricky job in dealing with the romance on the show and when to bring them together and bring them apart and I wouldn't claim to be smart enough to figure out which is the best answer for that."

* Matthew: "I've enjoyed the storyline of the first six." He said the captivity stuff was intense, and that he's missed the rest of the guys, but it's been great.
* Daniel Dae Kim (love): "We're all really proud of the show. We want to participate in something that we love. Is there room for all of us? I think the producers have done a really good job of keeping it an ensemble."
* Josh looks hot.
* Ditto Matthew.
* Ditto the rest of the panel--and yes, that means the producers! (Hey, sucking up never hurt anyone...)
* Jorge: "Like any job, sometimes you like a week off."
* Evie: "Leaving the cages became a little scary for Josh and I. You realize you're going to be on the set with people you haven't worked with for months or years, you remember you have to keep on your toes."
* Cuse addressing actors not here today: "Terry and Naveen both had obigations in Hawaii. We're still filming, actually, tomorrow."
* Desmond: "My storyline will be explained in episode 3.08."
* Elizabeth regarding Ben: "I don't think that he lies. He doesn't lie when he gives his word. I think he mistakes the truth."

11:55: Cuse reveals that "Ben took Kate and Sawyer so he could manipulate Jack into doing surgery." Damon says: "We're going back to the Hurley, Charlie, Claire, Sun and Jin of it all." Yay!

Okay, session's over. Gotta go rush the panel! Wish me luck.

If you have any questions for the ABC party tonight, post below.

I'll be back later with more scoop (and tomorrow, from the Golden Globes).

edit :Damon: We're going to address Sawyer's nickname addiction.
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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Spoilers   Spoilers - Page 5 EmptyLun 15 Jan - 19:19

mais quand ils vont rentrer Shocked

deux pics de tournage du 310 qui a été tourné en novembre

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