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 Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric]

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Nombre de messages : 3526
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2005

Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Empty
MessageSujet: Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric]   Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] EmptyJeu 29 Juin - 20:18


Claire persuadait par Charlie s'installe aux grottes mais les cauchemars commencent à faire leur apparition. La jeune femme s'inquiéte pour son bébé plus que jamais. Claire se rappelle sa vie avant le crash, la découverte du bébé, puis la séparation d'avec son copain et sa rencontre avec un étrange voyant qui fut la personne qui conduisit Claire à prendre l'avion...Sayid refait son apparition, il apprend à Sawyer que la jeune femme qui passait le message il y a 16ans vit encore....Hurley s'inquiétant pour Claire décide de se renseigner sur les survivants en récupérant le manifeste réunissant tous les noms auprès de Sawyer...Etrangement, un nom manque à la liste...

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Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Normal_raisedbyanother01Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Normal_raisedbyanother02
Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Normal_raisedbyanother03Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Normal_raisedbyanother04
Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Normal_raisedbyanother05Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Normal_raisedbyanother06
Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Normal_raisedbyanother07Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Normal_raisedbyanother08
Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Normal_raisedbyanother09Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Normal_raisedbyanother10
Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Normal_raisedbyanother11Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Normal_raisedbyanother12
Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Normal_raisedbyanother13Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Normal_raisedbyanother14
Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Normal_raisedbyanother15Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Normal_raisedbyanother16
Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Normal_raisedbyanother17Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Normal_raisedbyanother18
Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric] Normal_raisedbyanother19
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Episode 110 : Raised by Another [Claire centric]
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